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A recent IEA Bioenergy report evaluates Brazil's RenovaBio Program, including its conversion-free criteria for biofuel production, on the effectiveness to reduce emissions from indirect land use change (ILUC) — a critical factor in biofuel's climate impact.
Platform Hernieuwbare Branstoffen took part in the realisation of the Roadmap for the fuel transition in maritime shipping sector in a collaborative effort with the market, the central government and other knowledge institutions.
The European Energy Research Alliance is the European Alliance for Excellent Research in sustainable bioenergy. They have recently presented their position paper on Research and Innovation gaps in in the EU.
Het Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen heeft gereageerd op de consultatie wijziging regeling handel in emissierechten, omdat het zich zorgen maakt over de manier waarop de ETS 2 in Nederland wordt geïmplementeerd en de impact die dat zal hebben op de huidige marktoperatie.
IEA published a flagship report titled Renewable 2024 on the renewable energy sector with forecast to 2030. New in this edition is a deep dive into renewable fuels including solid biomass, biogases, liquid biofuels,renewable hydrogen and e-fuels.
This is a retrospective on the seminar on the long term perspective on renewable gas production in the Netherlands that took place on October 3rd in Amsterdam.
Het is mogelijk om met Europese hernieuwbare energiebronnen en biogrondstoffen te voorzien in de vraag in 2040, laat CE Delft zien in Rapport "Energy sources and demand in 2040"
Clean Fuel Contracts helpen om transparant en geverifieerd te rapporteren voor de Scope-3 emissiereductie die bereikt wordt met de inzet van hernieuwbare brandstoffen. Deze richtlijn is op initiatief van de NOVE tot stand gekomen.
The EU Court of Justice has ruled on a case between BP France and the French Ministry on the requirement of a C-14 test to determine the biogenic content in imported fuels produced according to the co-processing procedure.
The European Commission published a guidance on how to interpret the RFNBO targets in the Renewable Energy Directive for transport and industry. Among others, it provides direction on biorefining, the refinery route and mass balancing of hydrogen.
CE Delft recently published a study on Energy sources and sectoral demand in the European Union focusing on investigating whether the EU27+3 will be self-sufficient in its demand for CO2-free energy sources and competing feedstocks in 2040.
This is a retrospective for the General Assembly meeting of Platform Hernieuwbare Branstoffen that took place on June 28th in Amsterdam.
Op 3 juli 2024 heeft de NOVE op haar ALV het “Clean Fuel Contracts”-project aan haar leden gepresenteerd. Daarin wordt een voorstel gedaan voor een richtlijn voor eindgebruikers voor het maken van betrouwbare claims over CO2-reductie bij het gebruik van hernieuwbare brandstoffen.
This is a retrospective for a workshop on mass balance as a chain of custody instrument for renewable liquids and gaseous fuels, organised by the Platform Renewable Fuels on June 20th in Amsterdam.
IEA Bioenergy Task 39 released a report on the progress in commercialisation of Biojet or Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) focusing on the developments in technologies and policies.
Het Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen presenteert een update van de factsheet Jaarverplichting. De update verwerkt de laatste ontwikkelingen die Minister Harbers (IenW) beschreef in een tweede voortgangsbrief aan de Tweede Kamer over de implementatie van RED-III.
Staatssecretaris Heijnen (MinIenW) heeft een tweede voortgangsbrief over de implementatie van REDIII voor vervoer naar de Tweede Kamer gestuurd, met daarin updates over ontwikkelingen, o.a. over afspraken met België over verplichtingen in de zeevaart, luchtvaart en binnenvaart.
PBL presenteert de Trajectverkenning Klimaatneutraal 2050. Deze bestaat uit een hoofdrapport met een synthese, en verschillende deelrapporten over de mogelijke ontwikkelrichtingen op specifieke onderwerpen zoals klimaatneutrale mobiliteit, en beschikbaarheid biogrondstoffen.
Het Platform heeft een factsheet gemaakt die uiteenzet wat de jaarverplichting inhoudt, uit welke Europese wetgeving het voortvloeit, en hoe deze gaat veranderen.
Staatssecretaris Heijnen (IenW) heeft op 26 april 2024 een brief gestuurd aan de Tweede Kamer over de voortgang van de implementatievan de RED 3. Hierin staat beschreven hoe Nederland de nieuwe Richtlijn Hernieuwbare Energie zal implementeren.
The Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Ireland and France call upon the European Commission to put forward a coherent European policy package to stimulate the use of sustainable carbon in chemical industry and shift away from fossil.
The “2023 Billion-Ton Report: An Assessmentof U.S. Renewable Carbon Resource” was recently brought forward by the US Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office.
To bring down nitrogen emissions, the Dutch government aims to buy out farmers of their agricultural lands for 15 billion euros. However, biogas production from manure may offer a more effective solution.
In het rapport Klimaatneutrale Mobiliteit worden de kansen en uitdagingen beschreven voor het behalen van klimaatneutraliteit in 2050 voor de vier vervoerswijzen: het wegverkeer, de luchtvaart, de zeevaart en de binnenvaart.
The Dutch cabinet is in the process of constructing customised binding agreements with large industrial emitters in the Netherlands such as Tata Steel on their sustainability pathway. The Platform offers its perspective.
Het verplichte aandeel hernieuwbare energie dat leveranciers op de markt moeten brengen gaat met 20 PJ omhoog.
The European Commission published a report that analyses the factors contributing to the development of advanced and sustainable biofuels production, taking into account the relevant European policy context and uncertainties therein.
De informatiekaart bio-energie geeft een overzicht van de belangrijkste kenmerken, voor- en nadelen en strategische vragen van bio-energie.
Fuel-Up is a new EU Horizon funded project converting biobased waste streams into advanced biofuels.
Platform Renewable Fuels has writen a Technical Note on Land-based biomass and energy crops and provides an analysis on how to make land-based biomass and energy crops intergrated in a sustainable land use.
Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat heeft onlangs De Nationale Technologiestrategie gepubliceerd. In deze blogpost licht het Platform een aantal punten uit en deelt ze haar visie.
Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat heeft op 19 januari (2024) De Nationale Technologiestrategie gepubliceerd. Hierin identificeert het kabinet 44 sleuteltechnologieën die het de prioriteit wil geven op het gebied van investering en ontwikkeling.
IEA Bioenergy published a report from the inter-task project that assessed the successes and lessons learned for conventional /advanced biofuels deployment with the aim to analyse international progress and experiences to identify approaches that are proving to be most efficient.
LanzaJet has opened its newest production facility 'Freedom Pines Fuels' in Georgia, converting ethanol to SAF.
In verdiepingsdocument B van het NPE wordt dieper ingegaan op de 'ontwikkelpaden' van de hoofdketens van het toekomstige energiesysteem: elektriciteit, waterstof, koolstof en warmte. Deze blog post bespreekt een aantal opvallende thema’s omtrent het Ontwikkelpad koolstofketen.
The latest IEA Bioenergy report provides an update on the developments biofuel production in member countries and reviews the policies that promote low-carbon intensity biofuels. Effective and enabling biofuel policies are needed to stimulate the growth of biofuel markets.
On February 15th 2023, the Dutch ministry of Economic affairs and Climate Policy released their report on renewable energy technologies in need of government support called ‘Technological scope and potential cost reductions Early Phase Scale up’.
Vertoro, together with their partner Takenaka Europe established a solution for integrating lignin valorisation into a 2G ethanol plant.
Carbon Rooster and Docklab worked together to create a pilot that offers ship owners and shipping companies emission accounting services, aiding them in their compliance with ETS regulations.
This report by the European Environmental Agency provides a comprehensive overview of the complex relationship between different biomass utilisation options and the EU Green Deal. It raises the question whether and how conflicting policy objectives can be achieved simultaneously.
The European Court of Auditors recently published a “Special report, the EU’s support for sustainable biofuels in transport – An unclear route ahead”. This report strongly criticises EU policy on biofuels.
Air Liquide, together with MAN Energy Solutions and ETA Florence Renewable Energies have announced the launch of their 'Maritime Methanol' project under the name of M2ARE.
LanzaJet's Project Speedbird, a sustainable fuels project in the UK, has been awarded a grant of 11.2M dollars by the UK government through the Advanced Fuels Fund competition.
McKinsey Sustainability recently published a report on the Netherlands' role as a leader to accelerate decarbonization while driving economic growth and resilience. The report highlights five "forward-leaning moves" that could address the transition.
Horizon Europe, an European Union initiative to fund projects tackling climate change, announced the launch of two new projects relating to the production of biofuels and provided updates on ongoing projects.
The EU Horizon2020 funded Phy2Climate project uses phytoremediation to tackle the issue of soil pollution while simultaneously creating a sustainable feedstock for renewable fuels.
On the 20th of September we came together for the mini-symposium Biogas, organised by the Swedish Biogas Solutions Research Centre together with the Platform Renewable Fuels, the Platform Green Gas and the Dutch Biorefinery Cluster.
From end of 2026 VARO Energy will produce sustainable aviation fuel in a new facility in Rotterdam.
Naar aanleiding van de RED 3 stakeholder meeting van dinsdag 20 juni 2022 heeft het Platform commentaar gegeven op het voorstel voor het creëren van een “HBE-Raffinaderijroute” in de systematiek van de Jaarverplichting Energie Vervoer.
On August 31st, Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen will be hosting a workshop exploring the role of maritime shipping as a new leader in the wider transition to renewable energy.
Early June 2023 the European Commission adopted the delegated act that describes the new ruleset how to determine the bio-component in the final product of a refinery, when bio-based oil is co-processed with fossil fuel in that refinery.
Platform Renewable Fuels supports the recently published industry letter calling for the stimulation of intermediate crops, such as catch and cover crops, by inclusion in the Annex IX Part A of the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II).
The Platform's reaction to Cerulogy's recent report, commissioned by Transport & Environment, on the use and classification of animal fats as feedstock for biofuels and other applications.
An article titled "Towards carbon-neutral and clean propulsion in heavy-duty transportation with hydroformylated Fischer–Tropsch fuels“ by Simon Voelker and colleagues was published this year in Nature Energy.
Under the Brazilian G20 and CEM Presidency, the Ministers of the countries participating in Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) have published an action plant to accelerate Future Fuels.
In 2015, Scope Bioenergy & Sustainability published a report on bridging the gaps on Bioenergy & Sustainability. This SCOPE series assessment is a collaborative effort including the contribution of 130 experts from 24 countries.
The European Technology Innovation Platform for Bioenergy (ETIP-Bioenergy) invites the research and innovation bioenergy community to participate in the TRUSTxBio: Empowering Trust and Innovation in Biofuels and Bioenergy Challenge.
In september 2022 publiceerde de Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER) haar beleidsrapport over de grondstoffen- en energietransitie. De SER analyseert hierin hoe er evenwichtig op de energietransitie én de grondstoffentransitie gestuurd kan worden.
Jeremy Moorhouse from IEA presented numbers on the possibility of a supply crunch for biofuels. What are the feedstocks that offer potential?
To assist the European Parliament's (EP) TRAN committee, a study was conducted by the EP's Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies together with external authors from Trinomics and Aether, on the potential of sustainable fuels in transport.
The European Technology and Innovation Platform published their Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2023. We have gathered some of their insights on current developments and innovation surrounding biofuels and renewable fuels.
This video showcases the potential of Torrgreen's mobile torrefaction and power units. They're designed to allow for better use of agricultural residues, by converting them into compact energy carriers at the site of harvest, instead of burning them as is currently customary.
Vertoro is a "capital-backed and university-backed chemical startup with a novel and protected approach to transforming woody and agricultural residues into a wide range of bio-based chemicals, materials, and fuels".
In this letter from the High Ambition Coalition, 18 government officials from around the world stress the importance of limiting global warming to 1.5C and making the energy transition a fair one...
Het Sustainable Industry Lab van de Universiteit Utrecht schetst in dit rapport hoe de Nederlandse basisindustrie in 2050 klimaatneutraal en circulair kan produceren.
In an interview with France24, Andre Faaij argues that the stalling of the EU's Nature Restoration Law is a "tragedy", as what it "wants to achieve is very important for future food production", as well as for reforestation.