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On Tuesday December 10, the Platform hosted its annual public seminar on the topic of the new feedstock providers for a fossil free chemical industry in Amsterdam.
An article titled "Towards carbon-neutral and clean propulsion in heavy-duty transportation with hydroformylated Fischer–Tropsch fuels“ by Simon Voelker and colleagues was published this year in Nature Energy.
The European Energy Research Alliance is the European Alliance for Excellent Research in sustainable bioenergy. They have recently presented their position paper on Research and Innovation gaps in in the EU.
IEA published a flagship report titled Renewable 2024 on the renewable energy sector with forecast to 2030. New in this edition is a deep dive into renewable fuels including solid biomass, biogases, liquid biofuels,renewable hydrogen and e-fuels.
This is a retrospective on the seminar on the long term perspective on renewable gas production in the Netherlands that took place on October 3rd in Amsterdam.
In 2015, Scope Bioenergy & Sustainability published a report on bridging the gaps on Bioenergy & Sustainability. This SCOPE series assessment is a collaborative effort including the contribution of 130 experts from 24 countries.
The European Technology Innovation Platform for Bioenergy (ETIP-Bioenergy) invites the research and innovation bioenergy community to participate in the TRUSTxBio: Empowering Trust and Innovation in Biofuels and Bioenergy Challenge.
IEA Bioenergy Task 39 released a report on the progress in commercialisation of Biojet or Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) focusing on the developments in technologies and policies.
To bring down nitrogen emissions, the Dutch government aims to buy out farmers of their agricultural lands for 15 billion euros. However, biogas production from manure may offer a more effective solution.
The Dutch cabinet is in the process of constructing customised binding agreements with large industrial emitters in the Netherlands such as Tata Steel on their sustainability pathway. The Platform offers its perspective.
The European Commission published a report that analyses the factors contributing to the development of advanced and sustainable biofuels production, taking into account the relevant European policy context and uncertainties therein.
Fuel-Up is a new EU Horizon funded project converting biobased waste streams into advanced biofuels.
Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat heeft onlangs De Nationale Technologiestrategie gepubliceerd. In deze blogpost licht het Platform een aantal punten uit en deelt ze haar visie.
Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat heeft op 19 januari (2024) De Nationale Technologiestrategie gepubliceerd. Hierin identificeert het kabinet 44 sleuteltechnologieën die het de prioriteit wil geven op het gebied van investering en ontwikkeling.
LanzaJet has opened its newest production facility 'Freedom Pines Fuels' in Georgia, converting ethanol to SAF.
The latest IEA Bioenergy report provides an update on the developments biofuel production in member countries and reviews the policies that promote low-carbon intensity biofuels. Effective and enabling biofuel policies are needed to stimulate the growth of biofuel markets.
On February 15th 2023, the Dutch ministry of Economic affairs and Climate Policy released their report on renewable energy technologies in need of government support called ‘Technological scope and potential cost reductions Early Phase Scale up’.
Vertoro, together with their partner Takenaka Europe established a solution for integrating lignin valorisation into a 2G ethanol plant.
LanzaJet's Project Speedbird, a sustainable fuels project in the UK, has been awarded a grant of 11.2M dollars by the UK government through the Advanced Fuels Fund competition.