Biomob 2018 Workshop

"Mobilising Sustainable biomass chains for the Dutch context"

16/17 October 2018 | Springhouse | Amsterdam

Reports, presentations and background information from the 'free-exploration' Workshop, in which an international group of experts explored opportunities to sustainably increase biomass availability in a fossil-free, bio-based and circular future.

About 30 (inter)national experts from different backgrounds were brought together for two days to freely explore and exchange knowledge and insights on how to possibly address the transition to a biobased and circular economy. At the end of these two days, the resulting findings were presented to interested stakeholders.

Below you wil find:

  • Presentation of the teams
  • Links to keynote presentations
  • Background reading and watching material
30 experts, 2 days, 1 space

Team results

Team 1
"Sustainable Biomass Supply"
Team 2
"Mobilizing biomass done right"
Team 4
"In search of unused residues"
Team 5
"BioHubs - Build, bring and bunk"
Team 3
"Two pathways to mobilize biomass"

Presentations and keynote speeches

Eric van den Heuvel
Director Platform Sustainable Biofuels

Framing of the challenge and urgency of the issue. Describing the set up of the workshop and explanation of the 'Rules of the Game'

Download Eric's presentation here (pdf).

Keynote speech
Olivier Dubois
Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)

"I know that in the Netherlands you are trying to find ways to mobilize production of biomass in a sustainable way. From the FAO's point of view we have the following recommendations:

1. Accept that sustainable bioenergy is complex. Therefore assessing its sustainability is context specific and should be undertaken case by case.
2. FAO and others have the knowledge, tools and approaches to achieve sustainable biomass production.
3. Resources for biofuels per se are not good or bad. It depends on how they are managed.
4. Biomass production for materials and energy should contribute to investments in sustainable agriculture and should be part of sustainable agriculture."

Introduction to the Leaders of Sustainable Fuel Change Concept
Ingvar Landälv
Independent consultant, former chairman ETIP-Bioenergy

Via a Skype talk, Ingvar provided the workshop with insights on how to convert the procurement game when purchasing trucks. Bringing together a group of companies, each with high transport needs, jointly procuring trucks under the condition of sustainable fuel operation.

Download Ingvar's presentation here (pdf).

Sustainability in the Fashion Supply Chain - Example from another sector
Carla Chidichimo
TrueColours Textiles

Carla of TrueColour Textiles highlighted in her presentation the issues that are encountered in the fashion and apparel industry with respect to sustainability and certification.

Download Carla's presentation here (pdf).