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On Thursday February 27th, the first Roundtable Poland-NL took place to explore possible collaborations for renewable fuel production. The meeting was an introduction to the polish context for renewable fuel production, exploring the market opportunities and challenges in Poland.
The Platform conducted a market study on mass balancing rules for the delivery of renewable fuels via interconnected infrastructures in the Netherlands and other Member States.
The Circularity Assessment Tool (CAT) developed by Wageningen Food and Biobased Research has recently received a budget from the “Kennis op maat” program to translate the tool into actionable projects. The Platform has made a financial contribution to this budget.
Bayer acquired camelina assets from Smart Earth. This further strengthen the company’s goal to help decarbonise the transport sector and deliver regenerative agriculture solutions through the investment and development of intermediate oilseed crop
Neste and Bayer have signed a memorandum of understanding with the goal to develop a winter canola ecosystem in the United States. The memorandum of understanding includes identifying partners, developing the value chain together and scaling winter canola production.
The multiple benefits of the production and use of biofeedstocks have a central role in the new biofeedstock narrative that has been presented by the sector on 23 January 2025 at Pulchri Studio in The Hague.
On Tuesday December 10, the Platform hosted its annual public seminar on the topic of the new feedstock providers for a fossil free chemical industry in Amsterdam.
Coalition of companies, trade associations call on EU to create market demand for clean industrial products. The Call for Demand Creation is signed by 77 branches and organisations.
A recent IEA Bioenergy report evaluates Brazil's RenovaBio Program, including its conversion-free criteria for biofuel production, on the effectiveness to reduce emissions from indirect land use change (ILUC) — a critical factor in biofuel's climate impact.
The European Energy Research Alliance is the European Alliance for Excellent Research in sustainable bioenergy. They have recently presented their position paper on Research and Innovation gaps in in the EU.