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TNO published a report on the use of green hydrogen in the transport sector, conducting a cost comparison of the refinery route with options for direct use.
Under the Brazilian G20 and CEM Presidency, the Ministers of the countries participating in Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) have published an action plant to accelerate Future Fuels.
This is a retrospective on the seminar on the long term perspective on renewable gas production in the Netherlands that took place on October 3rd in Amsterdam.
The European Commission published a guidance on how to interpret the RFNBO targets in the Renewable Energy Directive for transport and industry. Among others, it provides direction on biorefining, the refinery route and mass balancing of hydrogen.
PBL presenteert de Trajectverkenning Klimaatneutraal 2050. Deze bestaat uit een hoofdrapport met een synthese, en verschillende deelrapporten over de mogelijke ontwikkelrichtingen op specifieke onderwerpen zoals klimaatneutrale mobiliteit, en beschikbaarheid biogrondstoffen.