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TNO published a report on the use of green hydrogen in the transport sector, conducting a cost comparison of the refinery route with options for direct use.
A recent IEA Bioenergy report evaluates Brazil's RenovaBio Program, including its conversion-free criteria for biofuel production, on the effectiveness to reduce emissions from indirect land use change (ILUC) — a critical factor in biofuel's climate impact.
Under the Brazilian G20 and CEM Presidency, the Ministers of the countries participating in Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) have published an action plant to accelerate Future Fuels.
Op 3 juli 2024 heeft de NOVE op haar ALV het “Clean Fuel Contracts”-project aan haar leden gepresenteerd. Daarin wordt een voorstel gedaan voor een richtlijn voor eindgebruikers voor het maken van betrouwbare claims over CO2-reductie bij het gebruik van hernieuwbare brandstoffen.
Carbon Rooster and Docklab worked together to create a pilot that offers ship owners and shipping companies emission accounting services, aiding them in their compliance with ETS regulations.
Naar aanleiding van de RED 3 stakeholder meeting van dinsdag 20 juni 2022 heeft het Platform commentaar gegeven op het voorstel voor het creëren van een “HBE-Raffinaderijroute” in de systematiek van de Jaarverplichting Energie Vervoer.
Dit is het rapport Scherpe doelen, scherpe keuzes–IBO aanvullend normerend en beprijzend nationaal klimaatbeleid voor 2030 en 2050, waarin verkend wordt hoe de verhoogde klimaatdoelen gehaald kunnen worden.
This report by the UK's Climate Change Committee identifies areas where changes can enable land-owners to deliver climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives, among the other priorities for land use.
The topic of renewable fuels is seeing a lot of debate this month, thanks to Germany’s sudden renegotiation of the CO2 performance standard, part of the “fit for 55” package. The Platform thinks distributed ledger technologies might make Germany's proposal technically possible.
This report (by Maritime Knowledge Center, TNO and TU Delft) aims to establish a coherent overview of methanol as an alternative fuel in shipping, including its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
The European Commission Joint Research Center made a broad assessment of biomass usage and availability within the EU. This report presents their findings and introduces new frameworks for the analysis of the environmental impacts of biomass supply chains.
This report examines what is needed to decarbonise international shipping by 2035. Zero carbon emissions from shipping within this timeframe is one of the proposed levels of ambition in the context of the International Maritime Organization’s “Initial GHG Strategy”, due to be agr
This brochure by Volvo Trucks describes the pros and cons of different alternative fuels. It emphasises the importance of a holistic view and the co-operation between all the various players involved in the analysis and selection of the fuels that will carry us into a sustainable
Presentatie van Eric van den Heuvel, directeur van het Platform Duurzame Biobrandstoffen, over de betekenis van biobrandstoffen in het terugdringen van de klimaatimpact van transport in Nederland.
De Nationale Energieverkenning 2017 (NEV 2017) maakt nog meer dan vorig jaar duidelijk dat ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse energiesector onlosmakelijk verbonden zijn met die in de ons omringende landen.
Lloyd's Register and UMAS consider the options for making shipping zero-emission by 2030. Lloyd's Register and UMAS consider the options for making shipping zero-emission by 2030.
Professor of Sustainable Energy Supply Systems Gert Jan Kramer's inaugural address at Utrecht University. (The PDF also contains Martin Junginger's inaugural address.)