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Horizon Europe, an European Union initiative to fund projects tackling climate change, announced the launch of two new projects relating to the production of biofuels and provided updates on ongoing projects.
This video showcases the potential of Torrgreen's mobile torrefaction and power units. They're designed to allow for better use of agricultural residues, by converting them into compact energy carriers at the site of harvest, instead of burning them as is currently customary.
Naar aanleiding van de RED 3 stakeholder meeting van dinsdag 20 juni 2022 heeft het Platform commentaar gegeven op het voorstel voor het creëren van een “HBE-Raffinaderijroute” in de systematiek van de Jaarverplichting Energie Vervoer.
Catom PDB, een onafhankelijke brandstofleverancier is sinds 1 mei lid van het Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen
Deze factsheet werd eerder gepubliceerd bij deze campagne van Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen: "Elektrisch Rijden Groeit Hard". Download hem hier.
Deze factsheet over de Nederlandse jaarverplichting werd eerder gepubliceerd bij deze campagne van Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen: "Ons Fossiele Brandstofgebruik Daalt Amper".
A short blog post on the new ETS for buildings and transport in the EU, warning that volumes for renewable fuels may need to increase to double the currently mandated volumes (per RED) by 2028.
Job Barnhoorn van platformlid Renewable Energy Group en co-voorzitter van de Nederlandse Biodiesel uit Afval Alliantie (NBAA) pleit voor hogere doelen voor hernieuwbare brandstoffen.
TNO (partner in the SmartPort Rotterdam initiative) examined the different options for realising more sustainable heavy duty road transport in the Netherlands. The report mainly focuses on e-fuels, but covers the benefits and drawbacks of BEVs and biofuels as well.
Achieving a fossil-free commercial transport system in the timeframe of the Paris Agreement target is not only possible, but also financially attractive from a societal perspective. This is the key conclusion of The Pathways Study initiated by Scania.
This study, commissioned by ePURE, assesses the potential contribution of low carbon fuels in decarbonising conventionally fuelled light duty vehicles in the EU from 2020-2050.
Prognos AG, Berlin/Basel, the Deutsche Biomasse Forschungszentrum DBFZ and UMSICHT were commissioned by the German mineral oil industry associations to draw up a study on the prospects of liquid energy sources in the energy transition.
An update by the European Commission ART Fuels Forum to the report of the Sub Group Advanced Biofuels (SGAB) titled "Technology status and reliability of the value chains" from 2017.
This brochure by Volvo Trucks describes the pros and cons of different alternative fuels. It emphasises the importance of a holistic view and the co-operation between all the various players involved in the analysis and selection of the fuels that will carry us into a sustainable
The Sub Group on Advanced Biofuels was created on the recommendation of the Sustainable Transport Forum (STF) as a consultative group. Its mandate is to develop appropriate strategies and recommendations which could facilitate the deployment and use of advanced biofuels in EU...
Roland Berger was appointed by Auto Fuel Coalition to conduct an independent study on EU road transport decarbonization. This is a presentation of the study results.
Presentatie van Eric van den Heuvel, directeur van het Platform Duurzame Biobrandstoffen, over de betekenis van biobrandstoffen in het terugdringen van de klimaatimpact van transport in Nederland.
Analysis by the International Energy Agency (IEA) on road freight transport and its options for becoming sustainable. Analysis by the International Energy Agency (IEA) on road freight transport and its options for becoming sustainable.
Het Kennisinstituut voor de Mobiliteit (KiM) onderzocht vier verschillende opties voor CO2-neutrale mobiliteit: elektriciteit, waterstof, synfuels en biobrandstoffen; met daarbij kijkend naar de complete energieketens: van productie tot gebruik in het voertuig.
Commentaar van het Platform op de kamerbrief van het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat van 13 januari 2023, waarin een update gegeven wordt van de stand van zaken met betrekking tot de verduurzaming van de Nederlandse mobiliteitssector.