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The multiple benefits of the production and use of biofeedstocks have a central role in the new biofeedstock narrative that has been presented by the sector on 23 January 2025 at Pulchri Studio in The Hague.
Energia recently commissioned a study investigating how the refineries will look like in Belgium in 2050.
Overzicht hernieuwbarebrandstoffenopties voor vrachtwagens en hoe opdrachtgevers voor vervoer (verladers) de klimaatimpact kunnen aantonen
A recent IEA Bioenergy report evaluates Brazil's RenovaBio Program, including its conversion-free criteria for biofuel production, on the effectiveness to reduce emissions from indirect land use change (ILUC) — a critical factor in biofuel's climate impact.
An article titled "Towards carbon-neutral and clean propulsion in heavy-duty transportation with hydroformylated Fischer–Tropsch fuels“ by Simon Voelker and colleagues was published this year in Nature Energy.
The European Energy Research Alliance is the European Alliance for Excellent Research in sustainable bioenergy. They have recently presented their position paper on Research and Innovation gaps in in the EU.
Under the Brazilian G20 and CEM Presidency, the Ministers of the countries participating in Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) have published an action plant to accelerate Future Fuels.
Het Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen heeft gereageerd op de consultatie wijziging regeling handel in emissierechten, omdat het zich zorgen maakt over de manier waarop de ETS 2 in Nederland wordt geïmplementeerd en de impact die dat zal hebben op de huidige marktoperatie.
IEA published a flagship report titled Renewable 2024 on the renewable energy sector with forecast to 2030. New in this edition is a deep dive into renewable fuels including solid biomass, biogases, liquid biofuels,renewable hydrogen and e-fuels.
This is a retrospective on the seminar on the long term perspective on renewable gas production in the Netherlands that took place on October 3rd in Amsterdam.
Clean Fuel Contracts helpen om transparant en geverifieerd te rapporteren voor de Scope-3 emissiereductie die bereikt wordt met de inzet van hernieuwbare brandstoffen. Deze richtlijn is op initiatief van de NOVE tot stand gekomen.
The EU Court of Justice has ruled on a case between BP France and the French Ministry on the requirement of a C-14 test to determine the biogenic content in imported fuels produced according to the co-processing procedure.
The European Commission published a guidance on how to interpret the RFNBO targets in the Renewable Energy Directive for transport and industry. Among others, it provides direction on biorefining, the refinery route and mass balancing of hydrogen.
In 2015, Scope Bioenergy & Sustainability published a report on bridging the gaps on Bioenergy & Sustainability. This SCOPE series assessment is a collaborative effort including the contribution of 130 experts from 24 countries.