Retrospective seminar new Biofeedstock Narrative 23 January in Pulchri Studio in The Hague

At the seminar, Bart Strengers from PBL has shown the required volumes for sustainable biofeedstocks (and renewable electricity for green hydrogen) in the trajectory explorations for a climate-neutral economy in 2050. One of these trajectories has been included in the narrative which also covers 20Mton of stored biogenic carbon which creates negative emissions. In terms of availability, mandating a demand ensures that the supply lines of sustainable biofeedstocks are organised as shown by the considerable investments by Neste in green production as presented by Ms. Virpi Armoedo, Director Supply Chain Sustainability & Compliance from Neste. Therefore, organising demand with a predictable and growing ambition is the most important factor in the availability of biofeedstocks and sector parties have shown that the can deliver within the framework of sustainability certification. The need for mandates is also acknowledge by the Dutch government who has taken an initiative for a "Joint Statement calling upon the European Commission to develop a European Sustainable Carbon Policy Package", as mentioned by Wytske van der Mei, Member of the Management team of the Department Sustaining Industry of the Ministry of Climate and Green Growth (Min KGG). She has thanked the sector for the new narrative and emphasised that sustainable biofeedstocks are required in the transition away from the current fossil feedstock use in the chemical manufacturing industries.
In 2023, the Platform Renewable Fuels collaborated with TNO, industry parties, academia, University Utrecht and TU Delft to develop ideas for an innovation and investment programme to ramp up and secure the supply-chains of bio based carbon for the circular, bio based economy. The developed theory of the multiple benefits of the production and use of biofeedstocks have been put in the creation of the new biofeedstock narrative that has been presented by the sector on 25 January 2025 at Pulchri Studio in The Hague. This new narrative has been developed together with the VNCI, NVDE, Platform Bio-economie and The US Industrial Pellet Association.
Link to narrative
The idea was to apply for funding by ‘the Groeifonds’ for executing this developed innovation and investment programme, which unfortunately never materialized because Dutch government had decided to end the funding programme. The identified themes remain very topical though. Because we are looking into how biofeedstock production and use can contribute to the three important societal challenges of securing a sustainable food system, mitigation and adaptation to climate change and to creating a circular, biobased economy. The central idea is to combine societal challenges, to identify the multiple benefits in the production of biofeedstocks, and to look for new solutions, shared investments and new business models. In this way, biofeedstock production and use add to new earning capacities for the Dutch economy.
Questions that rise:
- How to share the multiple values throughout the supply-chain?
- What does this entail for policy guidance and management?
- How can we initiate new projects to develop new insights and capacities?
Platform Renewable Fuels, together with Biobased Circular will take the initiative for a follow-up in thinking about these questions in the next BioMob#4.
If you want to join us on how to further develop this narrative, please register for the Platform Newsletter, to receive the invitation for our BioMob#4.
Click here for previous episodes of our BioMob# series (2018, 2021, 2024).

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