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Repsol recently approved a historic investment to build the first plant in Europe to transform urban waste into renewable methanol in the Spanish region of Catalonia. Renewable methanol is a fuel that will help defossilizing the transport sector and make circular products.
The Circularity Assessment Tool (CAT) developed by Wageningen Food and Biobased Research has recently received a budget from the “Kennis op maat” program to translate the tool into actionable projects. The Platform has made a financial contribution to this budget.
The multiple benefits of the production and use of biofeedstocks have a central role in the new biofeedstock narrative that has been presented by the sector on 23 January 2025 at Pulchri Studio in The Hague.
On Tuesday December 10, the Platform hosted its annual public seminar on the topic of the new feedstock providers for a fossil free chemical industry in Amsterdam.
Coalition of companies, trade associations call on EU to create market demand for clean industrial products. The Call for Demand Creation is signed by 77 branches and organisations.
The European Energy Research Alliance is the European Alliance for Excellent Research in sustainable bioenergy. They have recently presented their position paper on Research and Innovation gaps in in the EU.
The Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Ireland and France call upon the European Commission to put forward a coherent European policy package to stimulate the use of sustainable carbon in chemical industry and shift away from fossil.
To bring down nitrogen emissions, the Dutch government aims to buy out farmers of their agricultural lands for 15 billion euros. However, biogas production from manure may offer a more effective solution.
The Dutch cabinet is in the process of constructing customised binding agreements with large industrial emitters in the Netherlands such as Tata Steel on their sustainability pathway. The Platform offers its perspective.
In september 2022 publiceerde de Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER) haar beleidsrapport over de grondstoffen- en energietransitie. De SER analyseert hierin hoe er evenwichtig op de energietransitie én de grondstoffentransitie gestuurd kan worden.
Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat heeft onlangs De Nationale Technologiestrategie gepubliceerd. In deze blogpost licht het Platform een aantal punten uit en deelt ze haar visie.
Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat heeft op 19 januari (2024) De Nationale Technologiestrategie gepubliceerd. Hierin identificeert het kabinet 44 sleuteltechnologieën die het de prioriteit wil geven op het gebied van investering en ontwikkeling.
McKinsey Sustainability recently published a report on the Netherlands' role as a leader to accelerate decarbonization while driving economic growth and resilience. The report highlights five "forward-leaning moves" that could address the transition.
Horizon Europe, an European Union initiative to fund projects tackling climate change, announced the launch of two new projects relating to the production of biofuels and provided updates on ongoing projects.
On the 20th of September we came together for the mini-symposium Biogas, organised by the Swedish Biogas Solutions Research Centre together with the Platform Renewable Fuels, the Platform Green Gas and the Dutch Biorefinery Cluster.
This video showcases the potential of Torrgreen's mobile torrefaction and power units. They're designed to allow for better use of agricultural residues, by converting them into compact energy carriers at the site of harvest, instead of burning them as is currently customary.
Vertoro is a "capital-backed and university-backed chemical startup with a novel and protected approach to transforming woody and agricultural residues into a wide range of bio-based chemicals, materials, and fuels".
Het Sustainable Industry Lab van de Universiteit Utrecht schetst in dit rapport hoe de Nederlandse basisindustrie in 2050 klimaatneutraal en circulair kan produceren.