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Platform Renewable Fuels is one of the partners affiliated with the steering committe of the Brandt Schoon project led by HAN Automotive. A consortium meeting took place on the 6th of February to inform the partners on the latest developments.
The multiple benefits of the production and use of biofeedstocks have a central role in the new biofeedstock narrative that has been presented by the sector on 23 January 2025 at Pulchri Studio in The Hague.
Het is mogelijk om met Europese hernieuwbare energiebronnen en biogrondstoffen te voorzien in de vraag in 2040, laat CE Delft zien in Rapport "Energy sources and demand in 2040"
This is a retrospective for the General Assembly meeting of Platform Hernieuwbare Branstoffen that took place on June 28th in Amsterdam.
This is a retrospective for a workshop on mass balance as a chain of custody instrument for renewable liquids and gaseous fuels, organised by the Platform Renewable Fuels on June 20th in Amsterdam.
To bring down nitrogen emissions, the Dutch government aims to buy out farmers of their agricultural lands for 15 billion euros. However, biogas production from manure may offer a more effective solution.
The Dutch cabinet is in the process of constructing customised binding agreements with large industrial emitters in the Netherlands such as Tata Steel on their sustainability pathway. The Platform offers its perspective.
Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat heeft onlangs De Nationale Technologiestrategie gepubliceerd. In deze blogpost licht het Platform een aantal punten uit en deelt ze haar visie.
Een coalitie van Europese producenten van hernieuwbare ethanol is een juridische procedure gestart tegen de FuelEU Maritime-verordening omdat ze menen dat het geen recht doet aan de bewezen klimaatvoordelen van gewasgebaseerde biobrandstoffen.
In verdiepingsdocument B van het NPE wordt dieper ingegaan op de 'ontwikkelpaden' van de hoofdketens van het toekomstige energiesysteem: elektriciteit, waterstof, koolstof en warmte. Deze blog post bespreekt een aantal opvallende thema’s omtrent het Ontwikkelpad koolstofketen.
Horizon Europe, an European Union initiative to fund projects tackling climate change, announced the launch of two new projects relating to the production of biofuels and provided updates on ongoing projects.
On the 20th of September we came together for the mini-symposium Biogas, organised by the Swedish Biogas Solutions Research Centre together with the Platform Renewable Fuels, the Platform Green Gas and the Dutch Biorefinery Cluster.
On August 31st, Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen will be hosting a workshop exploring the role of maritime shipping as a new leader in the wider transition to renewable energy.
Early June 2023 the European Commission adopted the delegated act that describes the new ruleset how to determine the bio-component in the final product of a refinery, when bio-based oil is co-processed with fossil fuel in that refinery.
Platform Renewable Fuels supports the recently published industry letter calling for the stimulation of intermediate crops, such as catch and cover crops, by inclusion in the Annex IX Part A of the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II).
The Platform's reaction to Cerulogy's recent report, commissioned by Transport & Environment, on the use and classification of animal fats as feedstock for biofuels and other applications.