TNO: Inzet van groene waterstof in de vervoerssector - Kostenvergelijking van de raffinageroute met opties voor direct gebruik | 2024

In 2024, TNO published a report on the use of green hydrogen in the transport sector, conducting a cost comparison of the refinery route with options for direct use. This report was carried in light of the revised Renewable Energy Directive which among other things provides directives instructing Member States to impose obligation on fuel suppliers which must lead to shares of renewable energy in the final consumption of energy in the transport sector. Member States are further instructed to ensure that by 2030 the energy supplied to the transport sector comes from a combined share of at least 5.5% advanced biofuels and RFNBO, of which at least 1% is RFNBO. In the Netherlands, the RFNBO sub-target is set to approximately 5.5 PJ in 2030.
In view of the RFNBO obligation, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management aims to establish separate sub-target obligations to both fulfil the European RFNBO sub-target and stimulate the development of direct deployment of RFNBO in the various sectors. The RED III allows the use of RFNBO in refining processes for the production of transport fuels to count towards the transport objectives. This is called the refining route. With the refining route, the RED III aims to stimulate the scaling up of electrolysis capacity, which also benefits the direct use of RFNBO. However, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management prefers that RFNBO be used directly in the transport sector because this makes a greater contribution to the reduction of the greenhouse gas intensity of fuels. The Ministry wants to offer limited scope for the use of the refining route in such a way that there is also sufficient incentive to contribute to the achievement of the RFNBO sub-target obligation with the direct deployment of RFNBO. To achieve this, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management wants to set correction factors for the use of the refining route by fuel suppliers to fulfil RFNBO's reduction obligation for the various transport sectors.
In the report, TNO carried out a study to investigate what could be a good basis for determining the correction factors. The main basis for the correction factors was an estimate of the costs of supplying RFNBO to end users. These were compared with comparable costs for the refining route.
Find the results of the cost analysis by downloading the report on the right hand side or by clicking here.
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TNO: Inzet van groene waterstof in de vervoerssector - Kostenvergelijking van de raffinageroute met opties voor direct gebruik | 2024