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Begin september 2021 publiceerde het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat de Concept Regeling energie vervoer. dit als onderdeel van de Nederlandse implementatie van de Richtlijn Hernieuwbare Energie voor 2022-2030. Het Platform heeft hierop een reactie ingediend.
The report analyzes the effectiveness of a renewable energy obligation for aviation in the Netherlands. This analysis is necessary in light of the international character of aviation and due to the importance of this sector in the Dutch economy.
This report by CE Delft explores the potential of local biomass and feeding locations of green gas in the Netherlands towards 2030. It analyses four different scenarios with different degrees of support policies and of upscaling and technology availability.
IEA Bioenergy published a report analysing the potential for reducing the production costs of advanced biofuels. The report addresses the necessary e conditions under which these pathways would become affordable.
This report by Biofuture Platform provides an assessment of the state-of-play of two key bio-economy sectors: biofuels and non-energetic bioproducts.
This report covers both the production of biomass feedstocks, as well as the conversion of these feedstocks to different energy vectors. It focusses on how innovation could bring down costs and reduce barriers to deploying technologies within the biomass and bioenergy sub-theme.
In 2018 the UK Government outlined the UK’s ambition for low emission road transport towards 2030. The proposals, outlined in the Road to Zero Strategy sets out plans for the expansion of green infrastructure for mobility.
This is a presentation as part of the RED-II for dummies, which has taken place on the 6th of February 2020 at Bovaghuis, Bunnik. Presentation of Renee Peerboom on HBE's
Netherlands Platform Sustainable Biofuels (PDB) in collaboration with Navigant, organised a stakeholder consultation about the deployment of renewable fuels in maritime shipping sector.
For the 17th time in a row the 2-day lasting Fuels of the Future conference was organized in Berlin, Germany. Eric van den Heuvel gave a presentation about a limit on fossil fuels.
This report provides an overview of the development status and commercial deployment of advanced biofuels as well as the incentives and support policies which, at the time, were available to producers of advanced biofuels.
The aim of this EC/DG Energy-funded project was to provide information about the lifecycle actual GHG emissions of oil and natural gas, based on data collection, modeling and projections as well as via validation via market consultation.
Platform Duurzame Biobrandstoffen commissioned a study, executed by Navigant, to understand how the targets for renewable fuels in the Netherlands transport sector for 2030, in line with the Climate Agreement, can be achieved.
This report by the World Biogas Association aims to “highlight the potential of anaerobic digestion as a technology to generate renewable energy, abate GHG emissions and recover nutrients, as well as the role it can play in meeting the climate change targets.
The Netherlands Platform Sustainable Biofuels argues for a decreasing cap on the use of fossil fuels in the Dutch mobility sector. In this whitepaper, this is explored.
End of 2018 the Renewable Energy Directive for the period 2021-2030 was published at the EU's Official Journal. In this Directive, goals are mentioned regarding the share of renewable energy in final consumption and transport.
Under the Renewable Energy Directive for 2021-2030 (RED2) the European Commission adopted a delegated act setting out the criteria for determining high ILUC-risk feedstock for biofuels.
The RoadToBio project is funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Its aim is to provide a roadmap for the European chemical industry to exploit potential opportunities offered by the bioeconomy and increase the share of bio-based products.
De rapportage bevat de gegevens over de in Nederland geleverde hernieuwbare energie voor vervoer en over de CO2-reductie van vervoersbrandstoffen.
Op 11 december 2018 heeft de Europese Unie de Richtlijn hernieuwbare energie voor de periode 2021-2030 gepubliceerd. In deze richtlijn staan nieuwe doelstellingen voor het aandeel hernieuwbare energie in finaal eindgebruik en in transport.
Land is already under growing human pressure and climate change is adding to these pressures. The IPCC states in this report that greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors including land and food are needed.
De Rijksoverheid, provincies, havens, maritieme brancheorganisaties, verladers, vervoerders, banken en kennisinstellingen slaan de handen ineen voor verduurzaming van de scheepvaart.
End of 2018, DG Research and Innovation published an updated strategy on reaching a bioeconomy for Europe. In this document, they elaborate on this strategy and give updated definitions of e.g. bioeconomy.
The study on biomass potential investigates how research and innovation can contribute to the development of advanced biofuels in the medium and long term.
In 2017, the Sub Group of Advanced Biofuels, part of the Sustainable Transport Forum, provided an overview on the developments in the value chains of advanced biofuels, renewable fuels and low-carbon fuels initiatives in Europe. This report is an update on this overview.
Frontier Economic has developed this report for World Energy Council Germany about the potential of Power-to-X (PtX). PtX is a phrase to indicate the production of renewable fuels (either gaseous or liquid, like hydrogen, methane) from electricity and carbon as a resource.
Op de website Klimaatakkoord.nl is de 'Integrale kennis- en innovatieagenda voor klimaat en energie' gepubliceerd. Hieronder staat aangegeven waarom deze agenda is opgesteld.
In this report DBFZ analyses the requirement for biofuels towards 2030 under the RED-II policy framework and the own German CO2-reduction targets for 2030.
A new study, designed by IIASA researchers for conservation charity WWF, states that sustainable biofuels in sub-Saharan Africa should be prioritized for the aviation industry which has limited other options when it comes to reducing carbon emissions.
This open access book examines more than two centuries of societal development using novel historical and statistical approaches. It applies the well-being monitor developed by Statistics Netherlands.
"The only technologies that are realistically available for large scale decarbonisation to 2030 are electrification and biofuels." This concludes Ecofys, nowadays knows as Navigant, in a study for Farm Europe on decarbonization options in the transport sector.
In 2014 werd door een brede groep van stakeholders, onder leiding van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu (nu Infrastructuur en Waterstaat) in gezamenlijkheid een Visie ontwikkeld op een duurzame brandstoffenmix.
CE Delft heeft, in samenwerking met andere bedrijven, “samen met de rijksoverheid” gekeken naar een slimmere inzet van biomassa. In de zomer van 2018 hebben de bedrijven het rapport overhandigd aan Ed Nijpels, voorzitter van het Klimaatberaad.
In this report, by Dr. Panoutsou of Imperial College London and Dr. Maniatis, the potential availability in the EU and UK towards 2030 and 2050 has been assessed to provide insights on the future of biomass and biofuels availability.