"Set a limit on fossil fuels in transport in the Netherlands"

20 January 2020, 17th International conference Fuels of the Future, Berlin, Germany

Eric van den Heuvel – Platform Sustainable Biofuels

For the 17th time in a row the 2-day lasting Fuels of the Future conference was organized in Berlin, Germany. Over 600 attendances from Germany and other countries assemble to be updated on policy and technology developments of renewable fuels and mobility. Like previous years, also this year a key-note was provided by the State Secretary of the  Federal Ministry of Transport and digital Infrastructure (BMVI), Dr. Tamara Zieschang. She indicated that to achieve the high greenhouse gas reduction targets in 2030 (-40% compared to 1990-level) in Germany all available options are necessary. she also highlighted the emission trading scheme for transport that the coming years will be the central policy instrument.

At the last plenary session international aspects on climate policies and transport and mobility where presented. Next to IEA Bioenergy, ETIP Bioenergy, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and Neste, the Platform could bring forward the necessity to limit the use of fossil fuels to boost innovation and investments in renewable energy in transport.

Read the Whitepaper on the limit of fossil fuels here.