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The “2023 Billion-Ton Report: An Assessmentof U.S. Renewable Carbon Resource” was recently brought forward by the US Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office.
In het rapport Klimaatneutrale Mobiliteit worden de kansen en uitdagingen beschreven voor het behalen van klimaatneutraliteit in 2050 voor de vier vervoerswijzen: het wegverkeer, de luchtvaart, de zeevaart en de binnenvaart.
In september 2022 publiceerde de Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER) haar beleidsrapport over de grondstoffen- en energietransitie. De SER analyseert hierin hoe er evenwichtig op de energietransitie én de grondstoffentransitie gestuurd kan worden.
The European Commission published a report that analyses the factors contributing to the development of advanced and sustainable biofuels production, taking into account the relevant European policy context and uncertainties therein.
Platform Renewable Fuels has writen a Technical Note on Land-based biomass and energy crops and provides an analysis on how to make land-based biomass and energy crops intergrated in a sustainable land use.
Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat heeft op 19 januari (2024) De Nationale Technologiestrategie gepubliceerd. Hierin identificeert het kabinet 44 sleuteltechnologieën die het de prioriteit wil geven op het gebied van investering en ontwikkeling.
IEA Bioenergy published a report from the inter-task project that assessed the successes and lessons learned for conventional /advanced biofuels deployment with the aim to analyse international progress and experiences to identify approaches that are proving to be most efficient.
In verdiepingsdocument B van het NPE wordt dieper ingegaan op de 'ontwikkelpaden' van de hoofdketens van het toekomstige energiesysteem: elektriciteit, waterstof, koolstof en warmte. Deze blog post bespreekt een aantal opvallende thema’s omtrent het Ontwikkelpad koolstofketen.
The latest IEA Bioenergy report provides an update on the developments biofuel production in member countries and reviews the policies that promote low-carbon intensity biofuels. Effective and enabling biofuel policies are needed to stimulate the growth of biofuel markets.
On February 15th 2023, the Dutch ministry of Economic affairs and Climate Policy released their report on renewable energy technologies in need of government support called ‘Technological scope and potential cost reductions Early Phase Scale up’.
This report by the European Environmental Agency provides a comprehensive overview of the complex relationship between different biomass utilisation options and the EU Green Deal. It raises the question whether and how conflicting policy objectives can be achieved simultaneously.
The European Court of Auditors recently published a “Special report, the EU’s support for sustainable biofuels in transport – An unclear route ahead”. This report strongly criticises EU policy on biofuels.
To assist the European Parliament's (EP) TRAN committee, a study was conducted by the EP's Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies together with external authors from Trinomics and Aether, on the potential of sustainable fuels in transport.
McKinsey Sustainability recently published a report on the Netherlands' role as a leader to accelerate decarbonization while driving economic growth and resilience. The report highlights five "forward-leaning moves" that could address the transition.
The European Technology and Innovation Platform published their Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2023. We have gathered some of their insights on current developments and innovation surrounding biofuels and renewable fuels.
Het Sustainable Industry Lab van de Universiteit Utrecht schetst in dit rapport hoe de Nederlandse basisindustrie in 2050 klimaatneutraal en circulair kan produceren.