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The Sub Group on Advanced Biofuels was created on the recommendation of the Sustainable Transport Forum (STF) as a consultative group. Its mandate is to develop appropriate strategies and recommendations which could facilitate the deployment and use of advanced biofuels in EU...
The Dutch Ministry of EZK and RVO wish to facilitate the process of RFNBO certification scheme development and implementation. For this purpose, they initiated and financed a project to pilot audit draft RFNBO certification schemes.
De Nationale Energieverkenning 2017 (NEV 2017) maakt nog meer dan vorig jaar duidelijk dat ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse energiesector onlosmakelijk verbonden zijn met die in de ons omringende landen.
Lloyd's Register and UMAS consider the options for making shipping zero-emission by 2030. Lloyd's Register and UMAS consider the options for making shipping zero-emission by 2030.
An overview and analysis of the shipping sector infrastructure, fuel technologies and regulations to explore the options for biofuel deployment in this sector.
Analysis by the International Energy Agency (IEA) on road freight transport and its options for becoming sustainable. Analysis by the International Energy Agency (IEA) on road freight transport and its options for becoming sustainable.
Het Kennisinstituut voor de Mobiliteit (KiM) onderzocht vier verschillende opties voor CO2-neutrale mobiliteit: elektriciteit, waterstof, synfuels en biobrandstoffen; met daarbij kijkend naar de complete energieketens: van productie tot gebruik in het voertuig.
TwynstraGudde heeft voor het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat een rapport gemaakt over de kansen, knelpunten en samenhang in de toepassing van biomassa in duurzame mobiliteit. Specifiek gaat het om de scheepvaartsector, luchtvaartsector en wegtransport.
The objective of this report is thus to create a knowledge synthesis with this long term perspective in mind and to look forward and address methanol’s potential role as energy carrier/motor fuel in Sweden (and elsewhere).
This study has been commissioned by the co-sponsors of the 6th International Conference on Lignocellulosic Ethanol to provide an overview of the current status of the lignocellulosic ethanol industry, how it could realistically ramp up by 2030 in the EU, and the resulting costs.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the UK potential for production of advanced drop-in biofuels to 2030. This analysis is based on a wide base of evidence, which considers: technology development to date and the remaining technical barriers to commercialisation...
This master's thesis by Jakob Schiele (Utrecht University) assesses the sustainable transition of international shipping and how it can be accelerated.
This report focuses on how market opportunities can be capitalized on and how to promote technology transfer for developing countries interested in engaging in advanced biofuel markets for the attainment of the SDGs, and as an instrument to meet their commitments under COP2.
This study provides a range of detailed information and data to support policy makers and inform other stakeholders about the possibilities for the reduction of GHG emissions in the road transport sector.
Hoe kan de inzet van biomassa in Nederland zo optimaal mogelijk bijdragen aan het behalen van de beleidsdoelstellingen richting 2030 op het gebied van voedsel, energie, klimaat, mobiliteit, biobased en circulaire economie?
Substantial potential exists to expand both food and fuel supply in a sustainable fashion. This report examines different biofuels pathways.
Summary and conclusions from the IEA Bioenergy ExCo78 workshop. The IEA Bioenergy Technology Cooperation Programme (IEA Bioenergy TCP) held its biannual workshop in Rotorua, New Zealand on 9 November 2016 in conjunction with their Executive Committee meeting (ExCo78).
This exploratory report gives an overview of the marine sector, including market share, emission related issues, fuel standards and present legislation. It then considers different alternative fuels, engine types and the introduction of alternative fuels.