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30-11-2021 | The topic of the annual Platform seminar was 'Ramping up Renewable fuels'. Presentations by FuelsEurope, Vertoro, Port of Amsterdam and introduction by Platform Renewable Fuels. You can find the recordings, a summary and the presentations here.
DNV has recently published their Energy Transition Outlook (2021) in which they focus on how key energy transition technologies will develop, compete, and interact in the coming five years.
In this strategy document the European Commission shares her vision and action plan of how the mobility sector should take shape in the following decades.
This research publication by Andersson and Börjesson presents a life cycle assessment on current vehicle’s greenhouse gas impact when using a combination of electrification and renewable fuels.
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Methanol Institute present the innovation outlook on renewable methanol. Within this publication they identify challenges, offer policy recommendations and explore ways to produce renewable methanol at a reasonable cost.
15-01-2021 | Turning low value crude bio-liquids into sustainable roads transport fuels, that is the objective of the new EBIO project. The project is funded by the Horizon2020 programme of the European Commission.
In this report proposals are presented how to increase the share of alternative fuels in the various transport segments in the German economy.
Frontier Economics and Flick Gocke Schaumburg have explored in a report for the German Federal Ministry for Econ comic Affairs how a crediting system for renewable fuels in EU emission standards could work.
The core objective of this project was the assessment of the possible evolution of road transport sectors within five individual countries (Finland, Sweden, Germany, USA and Brazil).
30-10-2020 | Het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) publiceerde op 30 oktober 2020 de Klimaat- en Energieverkenning (KEV) voor 2020. In het rapport stelt PBL dat de klimaatdoelstelling voor 2030 niet gehaald wordt.
TNO has published (September 2020) a whitepaper on the potential of e-fuels for three modes of transport: long-haul road transport, shipping (inland and short/ long distances over sea) and aviation.
In oktober 2020 heeft staatssecretaris Stientje van Veldhoven officiele versie van de Visie Duurzame Energiedragers in Mobiliteit gepubliceerd.
Monitoring factual information on the progress of development and deployment of sustainable energy carriers in mobility is the main objective of the so-called 'Routeradar'.
Platform Duurzame Biobrandstoffen commissioned a study, executed by Navigant, to understand how the targets for renewable fuels in the Netherlands transport sector for 2030, in line with the Climate Agreement, can be achieved.
De rapportage bevat de gegevens over de in Nederland geleverde hernieuwbare energie voor vervoer en over de CO2-reductie van vervoersbrandstoffen.