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Master student at Utrecht University Peter Grijpma—under the supervision of Eric van den Heuvel (PHB) and Martin Junginger (UU)—researched various sustainable biofuel options for the Dutch bunker sector. This is the final report.
This report (by Maritime Knowledge Center, TNO and TU Delft) aims to establish a coherent overview of methanol as an alternative fuel in shipping, including its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
The European Commission Joint Research Center made a broad assessment of biomass usage and availability within the EU. This report presents their findings and introduces new frameworks for the analysis of the environmental impacts of biomass supply chains.
This report examines what is needed to decarbonise international shipping by 2035. Zero carbon emissions from shipping within this timeframe is one of the proposed levels of ambition in the context of the International Maritime Organization’s “Initial GHG Strategy”, due to be agr
An update by the European Commission ART Fuels Forum to the report of the Sub Group Advanced Biofuels (SGAB) titled "Technology status and reliability of the value chains" from 2017.
The Sub Group on Advanced Biofuels was created on the recommendation of the Sustainable Transport Forum (STF) as a consultative group. Its mandate is to develop appropriate strategies and recommendations which could facilitate the deployment and use of advanced biofuels in EU...
Roland Berger was appointed by Auto Fuel Coalition to conduct an independent study on EU road transport decarbonization. This is a presentation of the study results.
The Dutch Ministry of EZK and RVO wish to facilitate the process of RFNBO certification scheme development and implementation. For this purpose, they initiated and financed a project to pilot audit draft RFNBO certification schemes.
De Nationale Energieverkenning 2017 (NEV 2017) maakt nog meer dan vorig jaar duidelijk dat ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse energiesector onlosmakelijk verbonden zijn met die in de ons omringende landen.
Lloyd's Register and UMAS consider the options for making shipping zero-emission by 2030. Lloyd's Register and UMAS consider the options for making shipping zero-emission by 2030.
An overview and analysis of the shipping sector infrastructure, fuel technologies and regulations to explore the options for biofuel deployment in this sector.
Analysis by the International Energy Agency (IEA) on road freight transport and its options for becoming sustainable. Analysis by the International Energy Agency (IEA) on road freight transport and its options for becoming sustainable.
The Netherlands Platform Renewable Fuels would like to take the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed delegated act that aims to update the list of feedstocks in Annex IX of the EU/2018/2001 Renewable Energy Directive (REDII).
Het Kennisinstituut voor de Mobiliteit (KiM) onderzocht vier verschillende opties voor CO2-neutrale mobiliteit: elektriciteit, waterstof, synfuels en biobrandstoffen; met daarbij kijkend naar de complete energieketens: van productie tot gebruik in het voertuig.
Commentaar van het Platform op de kamerbrief van het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat van 13 januari 2023, waarin een update gegeven wordt van de stand van zaken met betrekking tot de verduurzaming van de Nederlandse mobiliteitssector.
TwynstraGudde heeft voor het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat een rapport gemaakt over de kansen, knelpunten en samenhang in de toepassing van biomassa in duurzame mobiliteit. Specifiek gaat het om de scheepvaartsector, luchtvaartsector en wegtransport.
This study has been commissioned by the co-sponsors of the 6th International Conference on Lignocellulosic Ethanol to provide an overview of the current status of the lignocellulosic ethanol industry, how it could realistically ramp up by 2030 in the EU, and the resulting costs.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the UK potential for production of advanced drop-in biofuels to 2030. This analysis is based on a wide base of evidence, which considers: technology development to date and the remaining technical barriers to commercialisation...
This master's thesis by Jakob Schiele (Utrecht University) assesses the sustainable transition of international shipping and how it can be accelerated.