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De Gemeynt heeft voor PBL een rapport opgesteld over de perspectieven op duurzame biomassa, als onderdeel van de rapportage aan de SER die een advies opstelt over het duurzaamheidskader van biomassa.
This report by Biofuture Platform provides an assessment of the state-of-play of two key bio-economy sectors: biofuels and non-energetic bioproducts.
The RoadToBio project is funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Its aim is to provide a roadmap for the European chemical industry to exploit potential opportunities offered by the bioeconomy and increase the share of bio-based products.
Land is already under growing human pressure and climate change is adding to these pressures. The IPCC states in this report that greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors including land and food are needed.
End of 2018, DG Research and Innovation published an updated strategy on reaching a bioeconomy for Europe. In this document, they elaborate on this strategy and give updated definitions of e.g. bioeconomy.
Op de website is de 'Integrale kennis- en innovatieagenda voor klimaat en energie' gepubliceerd. Hieronder staat aangegeven waarom deze agenda is opgesteld.
This open access book examines more than two centuries of societal development using novel historical and statistical approaches. It applies the well-being monitor developed by Statistics Netherlands.