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Het doel van deze studie is om het potentieel van Low Carbon Liquid Fuels in de decarbonisatie van het transport richting 2050 te onderzoeken.
Agneev Mukherjee's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Gert Jan Kramer's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Andrea Ramírez' presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Lotte Asveld's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Jan-Willem Könemann's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Stephan Janbroers' presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Oskar Meijerink's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Regina Goijen's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Loes Knotter's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Björn Heijstra's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Ruud Molenbroek's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
De presentatie van André Faaij (TNO) voor het Rondetafelgesprek Transitie Koolstofbasis op 27 augustus 2021. De presentatie van André Faaij (TNO) voor het Rondetafelgesprek Transitie Koolstofbasis op 27 augustus 2021.
De presentatie van Gert Jan Kramer (Universiteit Utrecht) voor het Rondetafelgesprek Transitie Koolstofbasis op 27 augustus 2021. De presentatie van Gert Jan Kramer (Universiteit Utrecht) voor het Rondetafelgesprek Transitie Koolstofbasis op 27 augustus 2021.
De presentatie van Erik Klooster (VNPI) voor het Rondetafelgesprek Transitie Koolstofbasis op 27 augustus 2021. De presentatie van Erik Klooster (VNPI) voor het Rondetafelgesprek Transitie Koolstofbasis op 27 augustus 2021.
In this project, TU Delft develops and improves thermochemical processes for the production of biofuels, while taking into account technical, economic, environmental, social and institutional challenges.
Low-cost sustainable biomass availability in the European Union may not be able to meet increasing demand; exploring the option of importing biomass is therefore imperative for the years to come.
Bioenergy is considered an important component within the European Union (EU) energy transition to meet mid-century climate targets. This study shows how bioenergy can contribute to EU climate targets.
How do we turn NW-Europe into an integrated clean energy hub? “A plan that adds up” for NL, by Gert Jan Kramer (Universiteit Utrecht), and Sustainable Industry Lab.
Door TNO zijn twee scenario’s opgesteld (ADAPT en TRANSFORM) waarmee met name de grote veranderingen in het Nederlandse energiesysteem zijn verkend die kunnen (moeten) plaatsvinden in de periode na 2030.
The idea of a bioeconomy presents a compelling vision of a sustainable society in which biomass – such as corn, bamboo, and sugar cane - provides the raw materials for all kinds of products. While the technology to extract raw materials from these feedstocks becomes increasingly
Op vrijdag 25 maart 2022 is het Webinar "Voorbereiden op grotere risico's in leveringszekerheid van brand- en grondstoffen en de langere termijn koolstofarme oplossingsrichtingen" gehouden. Hier is de presentatie van Jasper Meijering (CIEP) te downloaden over chemische industrie.
Curious which renewable fuels for heavy-duty trucks are already comparable in costs with fossil fuels? And which other options to defossilise heavy-duty trucks may come up soon?
24-03-2022 | Dit rapport trekt conclusies van een onderzoek naar de vraag 'To drop in or to adapt the engine?' waarin de totale kosten (TCO) van verschillende hernieuwbare brandstofopties en motorcombinaties in het 'Heavy-Duty' wegsegment zijn vergeleken. Bio-DME scoort best.
Dit is een document voor het Ministerie van IenW, waarin er aanbevelingen worden gedaan voor de SDE++ van geavanceerde biobrandstoffen. Ook wordt hierin een overzicht gegeven van technieken en projecten voor de Nederlandse markt.
Nieuwe stappen zijn nodig om de klimaatdoelstelling van Nederland te verhogen van 49 naar 55% minder broeikasgassen in 2030. Het verschenen rapport van de ambtelijke studiegroep onder leiding van Laura van Geest biedt inzicht in de te maken keuzes.
Dit is de NEa rapportage van 2020. De NEa geeft naast de wettelijk verplichte gegevens zo uitgebreid mogelijk weer wat de grondslag is van de verplichtingen en de kenmerken van de ingezette hernieuwbare energie.
03-02-2022 | The ACEA E10 vehicle compatibility check list shows which petrol vehicles can safely use E10 unleaded petrol. E10 petrol is a fuel that may contain up to 10% ethanol by volume. The ACEA updated this list with a 2021-update.
This report is are practice case studies worldwide to better understand how biomass supply chains could be implemented to support bioenergy production while simultaneously contributing to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
The report of IEA Bioenergy, published in November 2021, discusses renewable gas in terms of the state of the industry and its future in a decarbonised world. The report provides an overview of the state of the art of the production and the current incentive systems used.
21-12-2021 | An error in the calculation of the greenhouse gas intensity of electricity in the Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) and in the amended Renewable Energy Directive (RED2) will cause a deviation between administrative GHG-emission reductions and real emissions.
This is the presentation of the Alessandro Bartelloni (FuelsEurope) during the Public Seminar 'Ramping up Renewable Fuels' of the Platform at 30 November, 2021. In this seminar, several speakers joined to discuss how to accelerate renewable fuels.
This is the presentation of the Eric van den Heuvel during the Public Seminar 'Ramping up Renewable Fuels' of the Platform at 30 November, 2021. In this seminar, several speakers joined to discuss how to accelerate renewable fuels.
30-11-2021 | The topic of the annual Platform seminar was 'Ramping up Renewable fuels'. Presentations by FuelsEurope, Vertoro, Port of Amsterdam and introduction by Platform Renewable Fuels. You can find the recordings, a summary and the presentations here.
11-11-21 | Platform Renewable Fuels organised a webinar to show stakeholders in the maritime sector why it is important to organise sustainable fuel supply chains now to avoid penalties from 2025 onwards.
This Technology Development Report is an update to the version produced in 2018. It focusses on three technology pathways: biochemical, thermochemical and oleochemical conversion.
This study presents scenarios on how demand and supply for bio-based chemicals and materials could grow to 2030 and provides roadmaps with actions required to increase the deployment of chemical and material driven biorefineries in the EU.
15-10-2021 | Clariant, a Swiss based sustainable and innovative specialty chemical company, announced the official completion of its sunliquid® cellulosic ethanol plant in Podari, Romania.
16-09-2021 | Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) announced a final investment decision to build an 820,000-tonnes-a-year biofuels facility at the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rotterdam, the Netherlands, formerly known as the Pernis refinery.
This assessment by Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems (DST) and Expertise- en Innovatie Centrum Binnenvaart (EICB) is part of the overarching “Study on financing the energy transition towards a zero-emission European IWT sector”.
E4tech, investigated the decarbonization potential of synthetic kerosene, produced via various production pathways. The research was commission by the Dutch Ministry for Infrastructure and Water Management.
DNV has recently published their Energy Transition Outlook (2021) in which they focus on how key energy transition technologies will develop, compete, and interact in the coming five years.
The International Civil Aviation (ICAO) developed CORSIA, a carbon offset and carbon reduction scheme to decrease climate emissions for international flights. One of the options to comply with CORSIA goals, is to use sustainable aviation fuels, or SAFs.
17-06-2021 | Finland based food company Valio and energy company St1 are establishing a joint venture to produce renewable biogas from dairy farm manure and other agricultural by-products mainly as fuel for heavy-duty transport.
08-06-2021 |Enerkem and its project partners (Port of Rotterdam, Shell) have changed plans for the Waste-to-Chemicals project in Rotterdam. It is now focussed on the production of sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs).
02-06-2021 | Staatssecretaris van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat Van Veldhoven heeft de Tweede Kamer geïnformeerd over de voortgang van de uitvoering van het Klimaatakkoord voor Mobiliteit.
In the latest report of the IEA Bioenergy related to Biojet / Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), it becomes clear that SAF mist play a major role in the aviation sector to significantly reduce its carbon footprint.
In a recent study of Marle de Jong, working at Platform Duurzame Biobrandstoffen, the potential of wet agriculture in combination with bio-based insulation from cattail (Typha) is analysed.