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Early June 2023 the European Commission adopted the delegated act that describes the new ruleset how to determine the bio-component in the final product of a refinery, when bio-based oil is co-processed with fossil fuel in that refinery.
Platform Renewable Fuels supports the recently published industry letter calling for the stimulation of intermediate crops, such as catch and cover crops, by inclusion in the Annex IX Part A of the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II).
This report by Cerulogy was commissioned by Transport&Environment and delves into the different categorisations of animal fats as feedstock and their possible consequences.
The Platform's reaction to Cerulogy's recent report, commissioned by Transport & Environment, on the use and classification of animal fats as feedstock for biofuels and other applications.
This report develops qualitative storylines that focus on the impacts of the sanctions on Russian oil on bunkering in the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp ports and the implementation of FF55 plans.
Deze factsheet werd eerder gepubliceerd bij deze campagne van Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen: "Elektrisch Rijden Groeit Hard". Download hem hier.
This report by the UK's Climate Change Committee identifies areas where changes can enable land-owners to deliver climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives, among the other priorities for land use.
The topic of renewable fuels is seeing a lot of debate this month, thanks to Germany’s sudden renegotiation of the CO2 performance standard, part of the “fit for 55” package. The Platform thinks distributed ledger technologies might make Germany's proposal technically possible.
A short blog post on the new ETS for buildings and transport in the EU, warning that volumes for renewable fuels may need to increase to double the currently mandated volumes (per RED) by 2028.
A chapter from Wageningen University & Research's project showcase magazine, highlighting their biomass research initiatives such as BECOOL, BIKE and more. It talks about indirect land use change, logistics challenges and economic opportunities when it comes to utilizing biomass.
Bioenergy Europe's 2019 statistical report on biomass supply in Europe. Bioenergy Europe's 2019 statistical report on biomass supply in Europe. Bioenergy Europe's 2019 statistical report on biomass supply in Europe.
Achieving a fossil-free commercial transport system in the timeframe of the Paris Agreement target is not only possible, but also financially attractive from a societal perspective. This is the key conclusion of The Pathways Study initiated by Scania.
Een presentatie van Timo Gerlagh & Paul Sinnige van RVO, over de beschikbaarheid van biomassa in Europa. Een presentatie van Timo Gerlagh & Paul Sinnige van RVO, over de beschikbaarheid van biomassa in Europa.
This study, commissioned by ePURE, assesses the potential contribution of low carbon fuels in decarbonising conventionally fuelled light duty vehicles in the EU from 2020-2050.