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The aim of these forest inventory based tools is to provide accurate and to-the-point information concerning European forests, their management and the fulfillment of ecosystem services delivered by the forests under different scenarios.
The Dutch chemical industry (VNCI) asked consultancies Ecofys and Berenschot to analyse potential pathways towards 80-95 percent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This report is the result.
This toolset gives access to data from S2Biom project, which supports the sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local, regional and pan European level through developing harmonised data sets, strategies and roadmaps on multiple levels.
This report takes a close look at the consequences of growing demand for chemical products, and what can be done to accelerate a clean energy transition for the petrochemical industry.
A comprehensive sustainability assessment shows that first generation sugars are as advantageous as second generation sugars for a feasible and sustainable resource strategy of Europe’s bio-based chemical industry.
Een factsheet met een overzicht van van huidige en (op dit moment bekende) toekomstige productiefaciliteiten en -projecten voor biobrandstof en e-fuels in Nederland.
A chapter from Wageningen University & Research's project showcase magazine, highlighting their biomass research initiatives such as BECOOL, BIKE and more. It talks about indirect land use change, logistics challenges and economic opportunities when it comes to utilizing biomass.
Bioenergy Europe's 2019 statistical report on biomass supply in Europe. Bioenergy Europe's 2019 statistical report on biomass supply in Europe. Bioenergy Europe's 2019 statistical report on biomass supply in Europe.
Een presentatie van Timo Gerlagh & Paul Sinnige van RVO, over de beschikbaarheid van biomassa in Europa. Een presentatie van Timo Gerlagh & Paul Sinnige van RVO, over de beschikbaarheid van biomassa in Europa.
In deze studie (door Probos, in opdracht van RVO) is het Nederlandse houtige biomassa-potentieel in beeld gebracht en zijn daarnaast de vraag en het aanbod van lokaal beschikbare houtige biomassa in een aantal scenario’s met elkaar geconfronteerd.
The European Commission Joint Research Center made a broad assessment of biomass usage and availability within the EU. This report presents their findings and introduces new frameworks for the analysis of the environmental impacts of biomass supply chains.
This report outlines the various substrates and technologies for green gas production and examines how much natural gas can be replaced by green gas in specific countries.
An update by the European Commission ART Fuels Forum to the report of the Sub Group Advanced Biofuels (SGAB) titled "Technology status and reliability of the value chains" from 2017.
The Sub Group on Advanced Biofuels was created on the recommendation of the Sustainable Transport Forum (STF) as a consultative group. Its mandate is to develop appropriate strategies and recommendations which could facilitate the deployment and use of advanced biofuels in EU...
Presentatie van Eric van den Heuvel, directeur van het Platform Duurzame Biobrandstoffen, over de betekenis van biobrandstoffen in het terugdringen van de klimaatimpact van transport in Nederland.