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The Norwegian Environment Agency commission in 2019 a study that provides an overview of current and future global production of liquid biofuels for use in the transportation sector - with a special focus on advanced liquid biofuels.
The report explores various transition paths, particularly in the industry, to find out the amount of climate neutral molecules that would be necessary towards 2050 if the energy and raw materials supply must be virtually emission-free.
De internetnetconsultatie over de Regeling energie vervoer is op 7 september opgesteld zodat betrokken organisaties hun visie op de concept regeling kunnen inbrengen. We stellen verschillende punten voor om in een heroverweging van de inrichting van de Regeling mee te nemen.
Begin september 2021 publiceerde het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat de Concept Regeling energie vervoer. dit als onderdeel van de Nederlandse implementatie van de Richtlijn Hernieuwbare Energie voor 2022-2030. Het Platform heeft hierop een reactie ingediend.
The report analyzes the effectiveness of a renewable energy obligation for aviation in the Netherlands. This analysis is necessary in light of the international character of aviation and due to the importance of this sector in the Dutch economy.
This report by CE Delft explores the potential of local biomass and feeding locations of green gas in the Netherlands towards 2030. It analyses four different scenarios with different degrees of support policies and of upscaling and technology availability.
IEA Bioenergy published a report analysing the potential for reducing the production costs of advanced biofuels. The report addresses the necessary e conditions under which these pathways would become affordable.
In 2018 the UK Government outlined the UK’s ambition for low emission road transport towards 2030. The proposals, outlined in the Road to Zero Strategy sets out plans for the expansion of green infrastructure for mobility.
This report provides an overview of the development status and commercial deployment of advanced biofuels as well as the incentives and support policies which, at the time, were available to producers of advanced biofuels.