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In this strategy document the European Commission shares her vision and action plan of how the mobility sector should take shape in the following decades.
This study by Platform Duurzame Biobrandstoffen in collaboration with TU Delft is a review of the most viable biofuels for the maritime sector and how their sustainable production can be ensured from an early stage of supply chain design.
This research publication by Andersson and Börjesson presents a life cycle assessment on current vehicle’s greenhouse gas impact when using a combination of electrification and renewable fuels.
A new paper - by Calliope Panoutsou et al, recently published on Elsevier, confirms that the future deployment of advanced biofuels, in market shares that can lead to decarbonisation, still depends largely on the integration of tailored policy interventions that can be overcome.
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Methanol Institute present the innovation outlook on renewable methanol. Within this publication they identify challenges, offer policy recommendations and explore ways to produce renewable methanol at a reasonable cost.
PBL schetst middels dit rapport voor de eerste keer de voortgang van de transitie naar een circulaire economie in Nederland. PBL schrijft dit rapport op verzoek van het kabinet, dat streeft naar een volledig circulaire economie in 2050.
In this report proposals are presented how to increase the share of alternative fuels in the various transport segments in the German economy.
TNO en EICB (Expertise- en InnovatieCentrum Binnenvaart) hebben voor het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat een gezamenlijk onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de mogelijkheden en knelpunten van de toepassing van biobrandstoffen, met name biodiesel blends, in de binnenvaart.
Frontier Economics and Flick Gocke Schaumburg have explored in a report for the German Federal Ministry for Econ comic Affairs how a crediting system for renewable fuels in EU emission standards could work.