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16-09-2021 | Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) announced a final investment decision to build an 820,000-tonnes-a-year biofuels facility at the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rotterdam, the Netherlands, formerly known as the Pernis refinery.
17-06-2021 | Finland based food company Valio and energy company St1 are establishing a joint venture to produce renewable biogas from dairy farm manure and other agricultural by-products mainly as fuel for heavy-duty transport.
08-06-2021 |Enerkem and its project partners (Port of Rotterdam, Shell) have changed plans for the Waste-to-Chemicals project in Rotterdam. It is now focussed on the production of sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs).
02-06-2021 | Staatssecretaris van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat Van Veldhoven heeft de Tweede Kamer geïnformeerd over de voortgang van de uitvoering van het Klimaatakkoord voor Mobiliteit.
25-05-2021 |Vijf Europese lidstaten gaan samen aan de slag voor beter toezicht op de inzet van biobrandstof. Nu de sector groeit is dat noodzakelijk om de duurzaamheid van biobrandstof te borgen.
10-05-2021 | Shell Germany announced advances in their developments of a "blue gasoline" with a minimum of 20 % CO₂ reductions. This is accomplished by adding a mix of renewable naphtha and ethanol to conventional petrol and thereby displacing a third of the fossil content.
28-01-2021 | Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Kotka (Finland) are the two locations Finland-based UPM is reviewing for their next generation biorefinery plant with an envisaged capacity of 500 thousand tonnes per year of renewable fuels, including sustainable jet fuel.