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A new paper - by Calliope Panoutsou et al, recently published on Elsevier, confirms that the future deployment of advanced biofuels, in market shares that can lead to decarbonisation, still depends largely on the integration of tailored policy interventions that can be overcome.
The core objective of this project was the assessment of the possible evolution of road transport sectors within five individual countries (Finland, Sweden, Germany, USA and Brazil).
In dit rapport heeft een consortium van partijen de haalbaarheid van een Clean Fuel Contract systeem verkend, hoe het systeem werkt en het beste aansluit op de grondstofketencertificering en in welke markten dit systeem waarde zal hebben.
De SER geeft met dit advies richting aan de ontwikkeling van een duurzaamheidskader en brengt de consequenties hiervan in beeld voor de inzet van biogrondstoffen in verschillende toepassingsgebieden.
This report by IEA Bioenergy presents the case how the local community and rural development receive key benefits through biomass mobilisation.
The report analyzes the European market for advanced renewable fuels (RESfuels) along the entire value chain, “from biomass availability, through conversion technologies, considerations related to sustainability and market analysis and end use”.
The report State of te Art on Alternative Fuels Transport Systems in the European Union presents an update of the state of the art by providing information on their developments in the EU and their market projections towards 2020, 2030 and beyond.
ETIP Bioenergy, the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Bioenergy, has published a report that lists all demonstration and first commercial facilities for the production of advanced biofuels in Europe
The Norwegian Environment Agency commission in 2019 a study that provides an overview of current and future global production of liquid biofuels for use in the transportation sector - with a special focus on advanced liquid biofuels.
The report explores various transition paths, particularly in the industry, to find out the amount of climate neutral molecules that would be necessary towards 2050 if the energy and raw materials supply must be virtually emission-free.
The report analyzes the effectiveness of a renewable energy obligation for aviation in the Netherlands. This analysis is necessary in light of the international character of aviation and due to the importance of this sector in the Dutch economy.
This report by CE Delft explores the potential of local biomass and feeding locations of green gas in the Netherlands towards 2030. It analyses four different scenarios with different degrees of support policies and of upscaling and technology availability.
IEA Bioenergy published a report analysing the potential for reducing the production costs of advanced biofuels. The report addresses the necessary e conditions under which these pathways would become affordable.
This report covers both the production of biomass feedstocks, as well as the conversion of these feedstocks to different energy vectors. It focusses on how innovation could bring down costs and reduce barriers to deploying technologies within the biomass and bioenergy sub-theme.
In 2018 the UK Government outlined the UK’s ambition for low emission road transport towards 2030. The proposals, outlined in the Road to Zero Strategy sets out plans for the expansion of green infrastructure for mobility.
Netherlands Platform Sustainable Biofuels (PDB) in collaboration with Navigant, organised a stakeholder consultation about the deployment of renewable fuels in maritime shipping sector.