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Ruud Molenbroek's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
In this project, TU Delft develops and improves thermochemical processes for the production of biofuels, while taking into account technical, economic, environmental, social and institutional challenges.
Curious which renewable fuels for heavy-duty trucks are already comparable in costs with fossil fuels? And which other options to defossilise heavy-duty trucks may come up soon?
24-03-2022 | Dit rapport trekt conclusies van een onderzoek naar de vraag 'To drop in or to adapt the engine?' waarin de totale kosten (TCO) van verschillende hernieuwbare brandstofopties en motorcombinaties in het 'Heavy-Duty' wegsegment zijn vergeleken. Bio-DME scoort best.
The report of IEA Bioenergy, published in November 2021, discusses renewable gas in terms of the state of the industry and its future in a decarbonised world. The report provides an overview of the state of the art of the production and the current incentive systems used.
This Technology Development Report is an update to the version produced in 2018. It focusses on three technology pathways: biochemical, thermochemical and oleochemical conversion.
15-10-2021 | Clariant, a Swiss based sustainable and innovative specialty chemical company, announced the official completion of its sunliquid® cellulosic ethanol plant in Podari, Romania.
16-09-2021 | Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) announced a final investment decision to build an 820,000-tonnes-a-year biofuels facility at the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rotterdam, the Netherlands, formerly known as the Pernis refinery.
This assessment by Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems (DST) and Expertise- en Innovatie Centrum Binnenvaart (EICB) is part of the overarching “Study on financing the energy transition towards a zero-emission European IWT sector”.
E4tech, investigated the decarbonization potential of synthetic kerosene, produced via various production pathways. The research was commission by the Dutch Ministry for Infrastructure and Water Management.
DNV has recently published their Energy Transition Outlook (2021) in which they focus on how key energy transition technologies will develop, compete, and interact in the coming five years.
The International Civil Aviation (ICAO) developed CORSIA, a carbon offset and carbon reduction scheme to decrease climate emissions for international flights. One of the options to comply with CORSIA goals, is to use sustainable aviation fuels, or SAFs.
17-06-2021 | Finland based food company Valio and energy company St1 are establishing a joint venture to produce renewable biogas from dairy farm manure and other agricultural by-products mainly as fuel for heavy-duty transport.
08-06-2021 |Enerkem and its project partners (Port of Rotterdam, Shell) have changed plans for the Waste-to-Chemicals project in Rotterdam. It is now focussed on the production of sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs).
In the latest report of the IEA Bioenergy related to Biojet / Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), it becomes clear that SAF mist play a major role in the aviation sector to significantly reduce its carbon footprint.
10-05-2021 | Shell Germany announced advances in their developments of a "blue gasoline" with a minimum of 20 % CO₂ reductions. This is accomplished by adding a mix of renewable naphtha and ethanol to conventional petrol and thereby displacing a third of the fossil content.
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Methanol Institute present the innovation outlook on renewable methanol. Within this publication they identify challenges, offer policy recommendations and explore ways to produce renewable methanol at a reasonable cost.