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20-06-2022 | Het Innovation Outlook - Advanced Liquid Biofuels rapport laat zien hoe nieuwe doorbraken de ontwikkeling van deze ‘key renewable energy technology’ verder brengen.
“IEA Bioenergy aims at supporting a development where bioenergy contributes substantially in the future global renewable energy mix. Several working groups ( ́Tasks ́) under IEA Bioenergy have been established to help achieve this overall goal of IEA Bioenergy by
The European Technology and Innovation Platform on Bioenergy (ETIP Bioenergy) is an industry-led stakeholder platform that brings together relevant actors from academia, industry, and civil society, engaged in the development of sustainable bioenergy and competitive biofuel tech
De Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) heeft in opdracht van het Department of Transport en het Department for Energy and Climate Change van het Verenigd Koninkrijk een advies opgesteld voor de toekomstige strategie van het VK voor de ontwikkeling van biobrandstoffen.
Deze notitie van het PHB gaat in op de ontwerpparameters die inmiddels bekend zijn voor het inrichten van duurzame biobrandstofketens. Een biobased en circulaire samenleving zal zeer efficiënt moeten omgaan met zijn grondstoffen.
13-06-2022 | Argent Energy, a manufacturer of biofuels in the UK and the Netherlands, is expanding its second-generation biodiesel production capacity in the Port of Amsterdam to 540,000 tons per year.
Agneev Mukherjee's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Lotte Asveld's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Stephan Janbroers' presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Björn Heijstra's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
Ruud Molenbroek's presentation for the workshop Pathways to Sustainable Mobility 2050, organised on May 19th 2022 by PHB and Universiteit Utrecht.
In this project, TU Delft develops and improves thermochemical processes for the production of biofuels, while taking into account technical, economic, environmental, social and institutional challenges.
Low-cost sustainable biomass availability in the European Union may not be able to meet increasing demand; exploring the option of importing biomass is therefore imperative for the years to come.
Bioenergy is considered an important component within the European Union (EU) energy transition to meet mid-century climate targets. This study shows how bioenergy can contribute to EU climate targets.
Curious which renewable fuels for heavy-duty trucks are already comparable in costs with fossil fuels? And which other options to defossilise heavy-duty trucks may come up soon?
24-03-2022 | Dit rapport trekt conclusies van een onderzoek naar de vraag 'To drop in or to adapt the engine?' waarin de totale kosten (TCO) van verschillende hernieuwbare brandstofopties en motorcombinaties in het 'Heavy-Duty' wegsegment zijn vergeleken. Bio-DME scoort best.
03-02-2022 | The ACEA E10 vehicle compatibility check list shows which petrol vehicles can safely use E10 unleaded petrol. E10 petrol is a fuel that may contain up to 10% ethanol by volume. The ACEA updated this list with a 2021-update.
This report is are practice case studies worldwide to better understand how biomass supply chains could be implemented to support bioenergy production while simultaneously contributing to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).