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TNO has published (September 2020) a whitepaper on the potential of e-fuels for three modes of transport: long-haul road transport, shipping (inland and short/ long distances over sea) and aviation.
In oktober 2020 heeft staatssecretaris Stientje van Veldhoven officiele versie van de Visie Duurzame Energiedragers in Mobiliteit gepubliceerd.
Monitoring factual information on the progress of development and deployment of sustainable energy carriers in mobility is the main objective of the so-called 'Routeradar'.
03-06-2020 | LanzaTech, a leading biotech company and carbon recycler, has successfully launched LanzaJet, a new company that will produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for a sector requiring climate friendly fuel options as it starts to recover from the impacts of COVID-19.
The report analyzes the effectiveness of a renewable energy obligation for aviation in the Netherlands. This analysis is necessary in light of the international character of aviation and due to the importance of this sector in the Dutch economy.
Op 11 december 2018 heeft de Europese Unie de Richtlijn hernieuwbare energie voor de periode 2021-2030 gepubliceerd. In deze richtlijn staan nieuwe doelstellingen voor het aandeel hernieuwbare energie in finaal eindgebruik en in transport.
In 2017, the Sub Group of Advanced Biofuels, part of the Sustainable Transport Forum, provided an overview on the developments in the value chains of advanced biofuels, renewable fuels and low-carbon fuels initiatives in Europe. This report is an update on this overview.
A new study, designed by IIASA researchers for conservation charity WWF, states that sustainable biofuels in sub-Saharan Africa should be prioritized for the aviation industry which has limited other options when it comes to reducing carbon emissions.
In 2014 werd door een brede groep van stakeholders, onder leiding van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu (nu Infrastructuur en Waterstaat) in gezamenlijkheid een Visie ontwikkeld op een duurzame brandstoffenmix.