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Clean Fuel Contracts: How to govern Distribute Ledger Technologies in the renewable fuel sector
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Clean Fuel Contracts: How to govern Distribute Ledger Technologies in the renewable fuel sector

In this upcoming meeting, we would like to learn the perspective from technology providers on how to govern a system based on Distribute Ledger Technologies (DLT). How could regulatory bodies make use of the single source of truth in the regulatory landscape of the renewable fuel markets? These technologies are required to guarantee the immutability and verification of the information on the sustainability attributes of renewable fuels. This session aims to develop deeper insights into the governance of renewable fuels and how such a system could be of help from the perspectives of different technology providers.

This session follows from our recent work on Clean Fuel Contracts, which involved developing a guidance for providing information about renewable fuels to end-users. A set of recommendations were provided for the practical implementationof a Clean Fuel Contract system in the Dutch context. This included the design for a ‘Clean Fuel Information Record’, which could be used to digitally transfer information on renewable fuels, working in conjunction with Distributed Ledger Technologies.

RVO is currently developing a pilot, to trace information related to the sustainability of renewable fuels, up to the point of application in transport. This will require establishing a specific term of reference and defining a system of governance. This session will bring the perspective of technology providers, to learn more about the latest market-led initiatives and how these technological solutions can be anchored in the proposed pilot.

Read more about Clean Fuel Contracts on the following page.

NB: alleen voor leden van het Platform / Platform members / Invitation only
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
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