Feedback Zeevaarttafel internet consultation ‘Besluit energie vervoer’

07-01-2021 | Possibly international mandates will be announced soon (FuelEU Maritime initiative), and this will have in particularly an impact upon the Netherlands which has the largest bunker sector in Europe. Given the scale of maritime bunkering in the Netherlands and the expected international targets , it will be important for the Netherlands that the sector is well prepared for and adjusted to a changing playing field.

According to the Zeevaarttafel the sector will need a more secure climate to make investments to ensure the increase of renewable fuels. The Zeevaarttafel believes in a continuation of the opt-in for as long as there is not a separate mandate is necessary under the condition of:

  1. a yearly volumetric limit (to avoid competition with the road sector)
  2. should include at least both Annex IX A and Annex IX B fuels (within the limit posed by point 1)
  3. The opt-in should be replaced by an international sector mandate to ensure continuity.
  4. The end date should depend on the start date of international regulation or a dedicated (international) mandate/regulation for shipping. This to prevent a gap.

Read the full Feedback of Zeevaarttafel op Besluit energie vervoer