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Workshop Fit-for-55 for NL
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Workshop Fit-for-55 for NL

In this workshop we will jointly carry out an analysis how the fitfor55 will impact the case for renewable fuels in the Netherlands. The outcomes will be shared with the Dutch brandstoffentafel, a stakeholder platform initiated by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement.In this Workshop we will jointly carry out an analysis how the Fit-for-55 will impact the case for renewable fuels in the Netherlands. The outcomes will be shared at the next meeting of the Dutch Brandstoffentafel, a stakeholder platform initiated by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement.

The workshop will be from 14:00-16:00. Please register for the event by the 'Meld je aan' button.

This event is for Platform-members only.


This event is postponed to another date. Date will come soon.

NB: alleen voor leden van het Platform / Platform members / Invitation only
Monday, February 28, 2022
Platform Members / Invitation Only
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