Workshop Circular Biomass Strategy for the Dutch Context
Biobased Delta and the Dutch Platform for Sustainable Biofuels organise an interactive program for defining a sustainable biomass strategy for the Dutch context with sector parties from green chemistry and renewable fuels.
The aim of the program is to map out how to align the parties that could supply the biomass raw materials with the parties that process them further (biorefining and their supply chains).
The European and Dutch regulatory framework for biomass focuses on residual and waste flows to further increasing the feedstock volumes for green chemistry and renewable fuels. In this regard, the sustainability of the biomass thus acquired is largely determined by a system of sustainable land use for all functions, food, feed, clothing and materials. How can the demand side for biomass feedstocks contribute to regenerative, circular agricultural and forestry systems. What are the examples and concepts that are 2050 proof?
- Loes Knotter, Platform Sustainable Biofuels - Welcome and purpose of meeting
- Eric van den Heuvel, director Dutch Platform for Sustainable Biofuels, will reflect on the key take away messages of the first BioMob#1 (2018), will give a preview to a new BioMob#2 in autumn 2020 and highlighting the spin-out project: the TU Delft/consortium NWO research project for clean shipping with biomass hubs.
- Willem Sederell, director Biobased Delta, will frame the necessity for a dutch feedstock strategy.
- Carlo Hamelinck, studio Gear Up, considers some opportunities in the European Renewable Energy Directive for sustainable biomass mobilization, such as low-ILUC certification, abandoned lands, multi-cropping
- Bart Strengers, PBL, speaks about the PBL study (published 7 May 2020) on “Availability and deployment options for sustainable biomass” that serves as input for a Dutch sustainability framework for biomass.
- Interactive discussion with participants: which requirements must biomass feedstocks meet
- Loes Knotter, Dutch Platform for Sustainable Biofuels, will present closing remarks about how to continue with the biomass mobilization strategy