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Working group Feedstocks
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Working group Feedstocks

At the last general assembly meeting (ALV) the Working Group on feedstocks has been installed. On 17 February, from 10:00 - 12:00 we will organize a first working session on the following topics:

1. Assessing the European Environmental impact of waste management – revision of EU waste framework
deadline European consultation is 22 February 2022 - Link to consultation

2. Implications of the current proposed Annex IXA and IXB list (Delegated Act & research E4Tech)
Discussion points:

  • Shortlist feedstock analysis: do we miss anything?
  • Considered criteria
  • Major implications criteria
  • Market distortion waste versus feedstock
  • Mature and advanced technologies
  • Implications current proposed Annex IXA and IXB list
  • How much room left under the cap of IXB?
  • Feasible to reach submandates Annex IXA?

This event is for Platform-members only. Please register at the 'Meld je aan button' below.

NB: alleen voor leden van het Platform / Platform members / Invitation only
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Platform Members / Invitation Only
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