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Publieksseminar Ramping up Renewable Fuels
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Publieksseminar Ramping up Renewable Fuels

On the 30th of November, the public seminar took place at Pakhuis de Zwijger. The topic is Ramping up renewable fuels.
The program was as follows:

10:00-12:00 Talks with:

  • Alessandro Bartelloni (Fuels Europe) about the intervene on the “Clean Fuels for All” and on how scaling-up renewable fuels while transforming the EU refining system
  • Joey van Elswijk (Port of Amsterdam) about the Port for future fuels
  • Michael Boot (Vertoro) about the scaling up of renewable marine fuels
  • Eric van den Heuvel (Platform Renewable Fuels) about the urgent context for accelerated innovation and investments in renewable fuels.

Due to restricting corona measures, this Public Seminar was online.

Summary, recordings and presentations of the Seminar

The seminar has been recorded and can be watched here.  A summary of the seminar can be found in this post.

You can find the individual contributions of the speakers during the seminar on Youtube and presentations of the speakers below.

  • Eric van den Heuvel (Platform Renewable Fuels) about the urgent context for accelerated innovation and investments in renewable fuels
    Click here for the recording of his presentation during the seminar, and find his presentation here.
  • Alessandro Bartelloni (FuelsEurope) about the intervene on the “Clean Fuels for All” and on how scaling-up renewable fuels while transforming the EU refining system.
    Click here for the recording of his presentation during the seminar, and find his presentation here.
  • Michael Boot (Vertoro) about the scaling up of renewable marine fuels
    Click here for the recording of the presentation during the seminar, and find his presentation here.
  • Joey van Elswijk (Port of Amsterdam) about the Port for future fuels
    Click here for the recording of his presentation during the seminar, and find his presentation here.
NB: alleen voor leden van het Platform / Platform members / Invitation only
Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Platform Members / Invitation Only
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