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Options for hydrogen in transport
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Options for hydrogen in transport

60 min presentation + 30 min Q&A with Bart Somers, TUe Eindhoven University of Technology, and other presenter. The following issues will be addressed:

Could it be that in 2030 the largest volume of hydrogen will enter the transport market mainly via the synthetic renewable fuels?

Hydrogen can also be used directly as a fuel in a combustion engine. What are the possibilities and what are the advantages?

Furthermore, is it possible that energy carriers other than hydrogen will be used for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV). What are the considerations?

Everyone will be able to join and pose questions, suggest next topics and next guests!
Those who register will receive the exact link and the phone number for asking questions with WhatsApp.

About the seminar


In the coming years, heavy transport will depend on further efficiency developments in combustion engine technology and the use of renewable, non-fossil fuels, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, TNO Automotive and TUe invest in the development of zero emission and flexfuel combustion engines. This seminar is a collaboration between the Dutch Hydrogen Platform, Dutch Platform Sustainable Biofuels together with TNO Automotive. It aims to review combustion concepts with hydrogen and other energy carriers in fuel cell systems. The program is led by Bart Somers, assoc. prof in 'future fuels and ultra-clean combustion engines’, TUe and board member of this Platform.

Hydrogen in combustion engines

Hydrogen is essential for synthetic renewable fuels be it synthetic biofuels, like hydrotreated vegetable oils (HVO) or fuels based on electricity. Richard Smokers, TNO Voltachem discusses the current programs to develop fuels with hydrogen from electricity. Stephan Janbroers, TNO, presents the synergy in synthetic biofuel production by using the pure CO2 for e-fuel production.

Xander Seykens, TNO Automotive and TUe, will present outcomes of a feasibility study (DKTI-financed) into concepts for hydrogen in non-road combustion engines. Without the costs of after-treatment and with less stringent requirements for the quality of the hydrogen, this could be a feasible option also with keeping emissions within the standards (Stage-V). Peter van der Heijden, NPS Diesel, will be commenting on the market outlook.

Alternatives for hydrogen in fuel cell systems

Apart from using hydrogen in a fuel cell system also other energy carriers can be used. This could have advantages, for instance in tank infrastructure. Max Aerts. DENS, discusses the use of hydrozine in this respect. Eelco Dekker presents the possibilities with methanol in combustion engines (think DME) and for fuel cell drive trains.

Finally, combustion concepts and energy carriers option are analyzed on their pro’s and cons.

NB: alleen voor leden van het Platform / Platform members / Invitation only
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Platform Members / Invitation Only
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