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Live Lunch Seminar: “How to Make Renewable Fuels the New Normal”
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Live Lunch Seminar: “How to Make Renewable Fuels the New Normal”

The seminar was a resounding success! Many thanks to the speakers, panelists, moderator, Pakhuis de Zwijger and of course the audience, for turning it into such an interesting and inspiring brown bag lunch.


  • Introduction by Eric van den Heuvel, director of Platform Renewable Fuels: "How to Make Renewable Fuels the New Normal" (download here);
  • Dr. Ilkka Hannula, Senior Energy Analyst at IEA: "The IEA Net-zero scenario and the role of bioenergy therein" (download here).


The whole seminar can be re-watched on our YouTube page, or here:


Original event information (outdated!):

On Tuesday November 22nd, from 12:00 - 13:30, Platform Hernieuwbare Brandstoffen will organise a lunch seminar at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam, with the subject “How to Make Renewable Fuels the New Normal”.

The seminar will be broadcast live (https://vimeo.com/event/2613752) and publicized afterwards on this website.


The year 2022 has brought various severe issues to the surface. Several unexpected events climaxed into a simultaneous occurring of a climate change crisis, an energy security crisis and a resulting fossil fuel price increase crisis. While the latter is mainly discussed in the public debate in terms of the natural gas price eruptions, the prices for electricity and transport fuels like petrol, diesel and LNG are also showing upward trends.

One might think that higher prices for fossil fuels will benefit the case for renewable energy and fuels. Higher fossil prices would result in a competitive position for renewable options, as their production costs aren't necessarily linked one-on-one with fossil fuels. And when they turn out to be more competitive, demand would be expected to rise.

What is the situation though? Prices of renewables rise, as often the market and trade mechanisms as well as regulatory systems have connected them to fossil fuel prices. And under obligation/mandate schemes (like the Dutch obligation for 17,9% of renewable energy in transport) the market volumes are regulated and optimized for the provision of exactly that volume. A sudden acceleration of supply to replace expensive fossil fuels is hampered by the price connection and by the supply chain situation, which actually establishes a so-called ‘designed scarcity’ for renewable options.

In this current energy security crisis – under the unchanged urgency of tackling climate change – we as society are challenged to scale alternative options as soon as possible. We also have to transition to a new energy system, in which the renewable options are the basis for price setting, and in which fossil options are confronted with a sufficiently high climate change burden/penalty.

In summary: How to make renewable fuels the new normal?

This seminar will elaborate on and explore this topic by featuring two keynote presentations on the scale up potential and enhanced carbon efficiency of renewable fuels, as well as a panel discussion on the role of e-fuels.


11:30 – 12:00: Walk-in
12:00 – 12:45: Keynote Presentations

– Introduction by Eric van den Heuvel, director of Platform Renewable Fuels: "How to Make Renewable Fuels the New Normal"
Dr. Ilkka Hannula, Senior Energy Analyst at IEA: "The IEA Net-zero scenario and the role of bioenergy therein"

12:45 – 13:20: Panel Discussion

Prof. dr. John Grin, University of Amsterdam, Chairman of the Platform Renewable Fuels

Svetlana van Bavel — Shell Energy Transition Lab
Bart Somers — TU/e
Tom Berg— SkyNRG

13:30 – 13:30: Closing Remarks

Live Stream

The seminar will be broadcast live on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/event/2613752

People tuning in will be able to ask questions after the keynote presentations and during the panel discussion.

The seminar will also be up for rewatch on this website.


If you'd like to be present for this seminar (which comes with a complementary "Brown Bag Lunch" provided by Pakhuis de Zwijger), please use the button below or send an email to registratie@hernieuwbarebrandstoffen.nl and include “How to Make Renewable Fuels the New Normal” in the subject line.

NB: alleen voor leden van het Platform / Platform members / Invitation only
Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Platform Members / Invitation Only
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