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EU-Shipping-BCE: The Role of Low Carbon Fuels in Decarbonising Maritime Transport
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EU-Shipping-BCE: The Role of Low Carbon Fuels in Decarbonising Maritime Transport

"Join us and your peers for the 1st EU-Shipping-BCE: The Role of Low Carbon Fuels in Decarbonising Maritime Transport, where we will bring together leading policy & decision makers, Low Carbon Fuels producers & suppliers and harbours affecting maritime decarbonisation strategies and actions."

Key Target Topics

- Policy and regulatory maritime issues
- Will the global energy crisis affect the implementation of the EU Maritime Regulation?
- The different Low carbon fuels for maritime transport and their sustainability
- What volumes of renewable fuels to expect for the Fuel EU Maritime Regulation?
- What role harbours can play in facilitating decarbonisation?
- How to plan for Near Zero Energy Ports.

For more information, visit the EU-Shipping-BCE website.

NB: alleen voor leden van het Platform / Platform members / Invitation only
Athens, Greece
Monday, September 19, 2022
Platform Members / Invitation Only
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