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Accelerating Energy Independence and Emission Reductions: the Role of Advanced Biofuels in Transport
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Accelerating Energy Independence and Emission Reductions: the Role of Advanced Biofuels in Transport

In July, the European Commission tabled a proposal for the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII), with the overall objective of achieving an increase in the use of energy from renewable sources by 2030, to foster better energy system integration and to contribute to climate and environmental objectives. The proposal sets a framework for the deployment of renewable energy sources across all sectors of the economy with a particular focus on sectors where progress has been slow. Among those sectors is transport.

In the context of transport, advanced biofuels have been identified in the REDII as one of the key solutions for the deployment of renewable energy sources as their role can be increased to support the reduction of emissions in all transport modes, from road to maritime and aviation.

According to the biofuels industry, to achieve these goals ambitious mandates are needed to trigger investments in production installations. Regulation is also considered important, as it can play a critical role in creating the appropriate framework conditions for investments. For them, the recent discussion on raising Europe’s energy security underlines the importance of having non-fossil energy production in our own hands.

Join this EURACTIV Hybrid Conference to discuss the role of low-carbon liquid fuels and especially advanced biofuels in the energy transition. Questions to be discussed include:

- How can the EU’s energy independence be increased at affordable prices while reducing fossil consumption and at the same time accelerating climate change mitigation efforts? How can this be done especially in the transport sector?
- How can the sustainable potential of domestic feedstock for advanced biofuels be increased?
- How can sustainability be ensured at every step of the value chain?
- What kind of regulatory framework is needed to boost green growth investments?

NB: alleen voor leden van het Platform / Platform members / Invitation only
Brussels Network Office - International Press Centre 1 Bd Charlemagne // 2nd floor
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Platform Members / Invitation Only
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